Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Materials with Letters of Historical Interest and Public Statements
Fragment ID: 6418
(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)
Sri Aurobindo — Richard, Paul
December 18, 1912
To Paul Richard [3]
A great silence and inhibition of action has been the atmosphere of my Yoga for the last year and it is only now beginning to lift from me. The most serious part of my difficulties,– the inward struggle,– is over; I have conquered, or rather One whose instrument I am has conquered for me. I am turning now to the outward struggle, preparing my powers for it, awaiting the time and the signal to begin. The details I will not write to you now; the hour has not yet struck; for the enemy in the subtle parts of the material world, although beaten, is still struggling desperately to prevent my Yoga materialising in the objective plane. I await the issue of the struggle, towards which every day of the Yoga brings me nearer with a long stride.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
In spite of that, however, my work in its foundations
proceeds. There are means in this world, fortunately for the humanity, which
Govts and authorities cannot touch or prevent. For the outward work, I see now,
why it has been held back. It was necessary for me to have myself a perfect
knowledge and power before I seriously undertook it. My knowledge and my power
are now making rapid strides towards the necessary perfection and, once that is
secured, it will be impossible for the material difficulties to remain.
18 December 1912