Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 9276
Departure from the Ashram [48]
You speak as if the majority of the sadhaks who came here had gone! As a matter of fact it is only a small minority. Some went owing to a revolt of pride and ambition thinking that they had a great work to do or that they were already the equals or superiors of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo – some because they were unable to resist their sexual desires, others because they preferred to take their own way instead of following the directions of the Guru and went off the track. These things always happen to a number of those who start on the way, whatever the path they follow. It is no proof of the special difficulty of this Yoga. If one yields to ambition, sexual passion or self-sufficiency, a fall is always possible. There is also the possibility of being driven off the track by doubt or attraction to the old life – family, friends etc. The only one of these things that can act in your case is this doubt of your own capacity.
As I have told you, the capacity for having inner experience – and that is the one thing all sadhaks must have or develop – this you have, for it showed itself clearly. The rest does not depend on personal capacity, but on reliance and opening to the Mother’s force. It was because you had that that you were progressing for some time very well. It got covered over by the physical consciousness which understands only external things and understands even those wrongly and obscurely. If that consciousness opens, there is no reason to suppose that you will not be able to go through.
12 July 1937