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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1935

Fragment ID: 16955


The Mother came into a large room, where her children were assembled for the Pranam. On this day she decided to do something different from what she was doing daily; she first asked some of us to retire from the room. Afterwards she and I met at some other place. “My son,” she said, “there was some special reason for my asking you to go out of that room.” O Lord, what a love I felt for her then; such a love I have never experienced in the waking state. It was like a separated child meeting his mother after many years. There was a sweetness even in her hand which I was holding and pressing to my heart, Then she said, “My child, I want to tell you a most secret thing. So come with me to a solitary room.” While going to another place I left behind something which I had been holding in my hand. We both entered a small secluded room. She had something of metal in her hands which she arranged in such a way that it expressed: “My son, I am going to bring down into you the Divine Truth within the shortest possible time.” There were two more metallic pieces on which also there was some clear writing, but as it was in a foreign language I could not read it. This whole dream was so precise, clear and living that it still stands out vividly before my eyes. What do you say about this dream?

There is always some truth behind such dream experiences.