Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 3. 1936-37
Fragment ID: 18258
Perhaps you meant that it was not so much the medicines that cured the depression, lassitude, etc. but your Force. And as Z was not so open to you directly, you had to use R and his medicines as a medium for transferring it. When your Force is transferred through somebody, does not the influence of his lower stuff also get transferred consciously or unconsciously?
Yes, it may be, if his lower stuff is self-assertive.
Wherever there are physical or nervous cases (depending on the body or the physical nerves) it is possible for the physicians to do something by removing these causes. R besides recommends a free vital life to his patients, so that whatever vital despondency, depression, lassitude, inertia is due to the vital’s dissatisfaction at not getting indulgence may disappear.
The medical means have to be used when the mind, vital or body of the sadhaks is not responsive.