Sri Aurobindo
The Mother
to Prithwi Singh
Correspondence (1933-1967)
16 February 1962
Prithwi Singh
On my last birthday, June 3,1961, when The Mother had so sweetly given me meditation, I had the experience that I was completely immersed in fire. The fire was of a pinkish colour and it seemed to me somewhat like the roseate fire of which I had read in
Savitri. It was so vivid that even when I opened my eyes I saw that the whole room was full of this fire. It was as if I was inside a sea of fire. This continued for a pretty long time. Afterwards when I thought of it somehow the feeling came that this was a tremendous act of Grace. My whole physical being, nerves and cells, the very pores of the body, were being cleansed by this purifying fire. I felt that one result of this would be that my filarial fevers would greatly diminish if not altogether go. I wanted therefore to wait for a considerable time and then, if my expectations were justified, to write to You. I am now therefore informing You, after over eight months.
I found that during the first two months the tendency to habitual fever which was coming every month, sometimes even after a fortnight, became much less noticeable. There was slight fever twice during the first two months. Then it completely disappeared except for once in January of this year. The filarial ulcerations also are now very slowly, but perceptibly, disappearing. Complete elimination is still not there but they are very much less.
During this time I clearly experienced that the seeds of this chronic ailment sprout up from the inconscient. Many a time I had a queer feeling that it ought to come and then immediately, with a strong will I put it down knowing the source of this habit and praying for the Mother's Force to break down altogether the hold of the inconscient in throwing up this disease.
Now fortunately I do not have this feeling. There is no expectation of recurrence. Here I may also say that once, in course of the ascension of the kundalini, when the consciousness rose with a tremendous speed a little over the head, I saw the whole room, myself and all, filled with this fire. It was a marvellous experience. I was fully awake and it was quite real, I suppose. The result of all this has been more powerful than could ever be obtained by the use of medicine.
I am writing this simply to express my deep gratitude and love to my Beloved Mother for all She is doing for me.
16 February 1962