Sri Aurobindo
Writings in Bengali
Translated into English
Patrawaly: Letters to N. and S
1. Obstacles and Difficulties
What else but an evil force can pull you down so low, make you so weak and agitated?
Many forces of this nature are moving about in the atmosphere because the sadhaks give them shelter.
If they come to you, call the Mother and send them away.
They will not be able to do anything; they will not be able to endure.
Obstacles cannot be fully got rid of so easily.
By a constant opening and a heightening of consciousness, the physical consciousness is transformed, the difficulties will then completely disappear.
Before that, they will decrease, go out and remain outside you.
Instead of getting upset by these difficulties, detach yourself from them.
Do not accept the difficulties as your own, because if you do your power will diminish.