Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Poetry and Art
SABCL - Volume 27
Part 3. Literature, Art, Beauty and Yoga
Section 1. Appreciation of Poetry and the Arts
Appreciation of the Arts in General
Poetic and Artistic Value and Popular Appeal [2]
I do not find your argument from numbers very
convincing. Your 999,999 people would also prefer a jazz and turn away from
Beethoven or only hear him as a duty and would feel happy in a theatre listening
to a common dance tune and cold and dull to the music of Tansen. They would also
prefer (even many who pretend otherwise) a catching theatre song to one of
Tagore’s lyrics — which proves to the hilt, I suppose, that Beethoven, Tansen,
Tagore are pale distant highbrow things, not the real, true, human, joy-giving
stuff. In the case of Yogic or divine peace, which is not something neutral, but
intense, overwhelming and positive (the neutral quiet is only a first or
prefatory stage,) there is this further disadvantage that your million minus one
have never known Yogic peace, and what then is the value of their turning away
from what they never experienced and could not possibly understand even if it
were described to them? The man of the world knows only vital excitement and
pleasure or what he can get of it, but does not
know the Yogic peace and joy and cannot compare,— but the Yogin has known both
and can compare. I have never heard of a Yogin who got the peace of God and
turned away from it as something poor, neutral and pallid, rushing back to cakes
and ale. If satisfaction in the experience is to be the test, Yogic peace wins
by a hundred lengths. However, you write as if I had said peace was the one and
only thing to be had by Yoga. I said it was a basis, the only possible secure
basis for all other divine experience, even for a fulfilled and lasting
intensity of bhakti and Ananda.
29 October 1932