Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Poetry and Art
SABCL - Volume 27
Part 3. Literature, Art, Beauty and Yoga
Section 3. Beauty and Its Appreciation
General Remarks on Beauty
Art, Beauty and Ananda [4]
Beauty is not the same as delight, but like Love it is
an expression, a form of Ananda,— created by Ananda and composed of Ananda, it
conveys to the mind that delight of which it is made. Aesthetically, the delight
takes the appearance of Rasa and the enjoyment of this Rasa is the mind’s and
the vital’s reaction to the perception of beauty. The spiritual realisation has
a sight, a perception, a feeling which is not that of the mind and vital; — it
passes beyond the aesthetic limit, sees the universal beauty, sees behind the
object what the eye cannot see, feels what the emotion of the heart cannot feel
and passes beyond Rasa and Bhoga to pure Ananda
— a thing more deep, intense, rapturous than any mental or vital or any physical
rasa reaction can be. It sees the One everywhere, the Divine everywhere, the
Beloved everywhere, the original bliss of existence everywhere, and all these
can create an inexpressible Ananda of beauty — the beauty of the One, the beauty
of the Divine, the beauty of the Beloved, the beauty of the eternal Existence in
things. It can see also the beauty of forms and objects, but with a seeing other
than the mind’s, other than that of a limited physical vision — what was not
beautiful to the eye becomes beautiful, what was beautiful to the eye wears now
a greater, marvellous and ineffable beauty. The spiritual realisation can bring
the vision and the rapture of the All-Beautiful everywhere.
26 October 1935