Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Poetry and Art
SABCL - Volume 27
Part 3. Literature, Art, Beauty and Yoga
Section 3. Beauty and Its Appreciation
General Remarks on Beauty
Art, Beauty and Ananda [6]
You say [in the letter of 26 October 1935, pp. 700 – 701], “Aesthetically, the delight takes the appearance of Rasa and the enjoyment of this Rasa is the mind’s and the vital’s reaction to the perception of beauty.” I find it hard to understand how beauty, Rasa and delight are connected with one another.
That can hardly be
realised except by experience of Ananda. Ananda is not ordinary mental or vital
delight in things. Rasa is the mind’s understanding of beauty and pleasure in it
accompanied usually by the vital’s enjoyment of it (bhoga). Mental pleasure or
vital enjoyment are not Ananda, but only derivations from the concealed
universal Ananda of the Spirit in things.
7 November 1935