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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 9268

Departure from the Ashram [40]

Since the attacks of fear do not cease, it is best that you should go and rest for the time being from the sadhana – for these two cannot go together. In order to be quite sure, it would be advisable to see in Calcutta whether there is not some physical cause also such as blood pressure. It is not possible for the Mother to see you before you go as you have to go tonight. For the rest, we can decide only after seeing how you go on over there. If you keep your trust in the Divine and clear yourself of all that conflicts with it, there is no reason to fear that the Divine will abandon you. For the present what is necessary is to shake off this disturbance and get out of the condition of fear and nervous disturbance altogether.

21 October 1936