Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 9269
Departure from the Ashram [41]
As you say that you are determined to go, I can only answer by reaffirming our disapproval of the step you propose to take and the rejection – from a blind vital feeling – of the true path and the spiritual life. It is not true that you could not appreciate our help and solicitude or that you were unable to follow the sadhana, you are only shutting the doors of your mind and vital to the help and laying stress on a temporary block which would have disappeared if you had dissociated yourself from it. I can only express the hope that the true being in you will awake in time and draw you back from this course, restoring the inner contact with us and the unity with the higher Self, a glimpse of which had come to you for a moment.
31 January 1937