Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume IV - Part 3
Fragment ID: 14837
It is possible for anger to be felt as pleasant – there are many people who dislike sweet things – so also there are many, especially women, who dislike the sex-sensation, even hate it1.
For the taste, when it exists – some eliminate it by rejection and the calling down of peace and purity into the cells, others by substituting for the lower rasa the higher Ananda – some like the Vaishnavas try to sublimate it by the madhura bhāva taking up the sexual rasa from the sex-centre into the heart and turning it there towards the Divine, but the last is a rather risky method.
1 The correspondent wrote that the feeling of anger is not pleasant, whereas the taste of sugar and the sex-sensation are pleasant. Is it possible, he asked, to eliminate the liking for sugar or for sex? – Ed.