The Mother
Volume 10
(Regarding the departure of Amrita, who looked after the Ashram's finances.)
(Laughing) Here are soups!
We're in a dreadful confusion, dreadful!
For years there was a whole side of things, the side of money and all the arrangements, which I wasn't told about, and it was quite fine, I didn't look after it, didn't bother myself with it. Now, they suddenly tell me things (half tell me, and without telling me what used to be done before), and I realize... Everything is in a dreadful confusion, dreadful! Because... I can't understand what they do because I don't know the reason, I don't know how things are arranged.
Now a weight has been lifted, but... They quarrel... oh!
I had things to tell you... but I don't remember I don't remember
at all! On Wednesday, after you left, I realized I had things to tell you, but now I don't remember so many things have taken place that I don't remember.
You see, previously, Amrita used to centralize many things. He had organized them, and I didn't concern myself with them; he would only tell me where I needed to intervene, and all the rest was arranged. But now, for the least thing they come to me, and as they don't know what he used to do and how, everything needs to be done. It has caused a lot of difficulty.
Now, I know I have something to tell you, but I don't know what!
Everything is in a sort of hubbub. The whole country.
You know there's now a Communist government in Bengal .... It would be better not to record this (Mother touches the microphone).
I can erase it.
So then, there were scenes (I forget the details), rather unpleasant scenes, then a sort of riot, and the army had to open fire. Four people were killed.1 So the Communist government wants to arrest the four soldiers who opened fire, saying... well, that they did quite wrong. They said that to the head of the army there, who said, If they come to arrest my men, I will arrest them! I'll arrest the police and put them in jail!... I found it charming. But I had just seen N.S.2 you know N.S., don't you-who had been sent by Indira to ask me questions about what should be done.3 She had just left when I was told about this other affair. I thought, How to have her told?... (because Indira won't know what to do-whether to support the army or the police). Then I said, If she supports the police, the Chinese are here in two weeks; she must absolutely support the army So we had to catch up to N.S. (she had just left for Delhi), we had to catch up to her to tell her, Mother said you should... And L. left behind to catch up with the plane.
That's how it is. The previous days I had seen all kinds of catastrophic things. (I didn't know what the situation was.) When I was told, I instantly knew: I saw the Chinese HERE. Yes. It stirred me a lot, a lot. And with HORRIBLE things, horrible. So I had to send
someone immediately to tell her, For heaven's sake, support the army. It's India's only hope. The army is good, but it's not supported. But that shouldn't be told, because I am not supposed to concern myself with politics, so...
But it seems that in three States the Communists WANT the Chinese to come. That's dreadful. The Chinese, mon petit, you can't imagine what it is .... Horrible! They're horrible. With a cold, terrible cruelty.
So it's been very, very difficult these last few days.
It's almost a miracle: Indira all of a sudden realized (N.S. told me so) that she doesn't have the required knowledge or the required power to face circumstances, so she told N.S. to come and see me and ask me to help her. Then I understood why I had seen all those circumstances for several days it was all about India, and I saw it was serious, very serious.
There was one man here who could have done something: it was the former chief of the army, K.'s cousin4 but they sent him to Canada!... It had the result that now the whole of Canada is interested in India! There's quite a widespread and interesting movement there. But they don't want him here. And he was a good military chief .... It's a pity he's gone away. Also, he was in contact with us, and just now...
So that's why: there's constantly the pressure of very serious things.
What news do You have? Nothing?
But this increasingly growing Chinese monster, one doesn't see what will be able to stop it.
Yes, that's right.
One doesn't see, except, of course, a nuclear cataclysm. Otherwise, everywhere it only wants to devour.
What will stop it?... Is it receptive to the subtle forces?
(After a silence) There's a man... First, there's our good
S.H.5 here, but there's another man at Shantiniketan; I saw him, I know him, and he always said it was Sri Aurobindo's thought that could save China. But he came here because he wasn't a Communist and they filched all his goods he gave them; when he was informed, he wrote [to the Chinese government] and told them, I give them to you; you took them, but I give them to you. That was very good, very clever. So naturally, he is respected. But I don't think he can do much. But his own opinion is that it's only Sri Aurobindo's thought that can save China. China is extremely intellectual; if the Chinese intelligence were captured by Sri Aurobindo's thought, it would be... That seems to be the sole, the only hope.
But Formosa [Taiwan], which is nothing, is wholly with us.
Yes, but that's not much.
It's nothing.
The Soviets were a very great danger, but now they seem... they seem to begin to understand. They're divided among themselves.
But here, it's really a growing monster.
Oh, it's formidable.
America is extremely interested in Auroville. Russia is extremely interested in Auroville. The Chinese... nothing, absolutely nothing, no response.
They are... I don't know how to... The impression is of something stonelike. It doesn't respond.
(long silence)
For... for years, even from the time Sri Aurobindo was here, there had been the vision an inner vision that India is the place where the fate of the earth will be decided. So the two opposite possibilities are there. As if it were said that if there were war, it would be over India; that the world conflict... (how can I put it?), the ISSUE would be played out over India. But will the Force of Peace be sufficient to prevent war? There's the whole question. But the whirl of forces is here, over India.
And since this Consciousness came, things have been accelerating.
It has given a great rapidity of movement to circumstances. But then, it's becoming urgent. And... oh, falsehood, duplicity... oh, everything seems to be rising to the surface it's hideous. Will the... the Force of Harmony and Peace be strong enough to... to digest all that? I don't know.
I thought (there were all kinds of things going on, like pictures of possibilities), I thought it was in the body's makeup, that it was coming out in order to be purified. Now I realize it may have been partly that, but that all those pictures correspond to things taking place at present [in the world]. And if they are true... the things to come are rather catastrophic.
There is always this inner will to... (gesture of pressure to establish peace). As if it were, I can't say a last conflict, but it's becoming... it's becoming immediate.
It's like a conflict between the forces that want to destroy the earth and the terrestrial transformation. if those forces can be checked, can be mastered or rendered powerless, then the earth's progress and transformation will go on soaring up magnificent! But now... monsters seem to be coming up from every side to prevent that.
It's exactly as if we were sitting on top of a volcano: either the volcano must fall extinct, or everything is going to blow up. That's how it is.
Eleven o'clock, oh!
Wouldn't you enjoy to go boating? I told Z to take you along ....
Just like that... a little boating. And I also thought that you wouldn't be pestered by people! They won't find you anymore!
(Account of N.S.'s visit on April 17, 1969. Mother's words were noted down in English from memory, and are therefore approximate.)
1. When N.S. spoke of what Indira said about the troubles she is having and the difficulties she is facing and that she wanted the Mother's help, strength and guidance, the Mother said She knew
very well about all this, and that she was constantly giving Her help and blessings to Indira.
2. Regarding the danger of Communism, the Mother said that Communism is a truth that has been distorted and that when the truth comes out, the distortion will fall off. The truth is that all one's efforts and all one's work should be turned not to the State, but to the Divine.
3. There is only one country in the world that knows that there is only one Truth to which everything should be turned, and that is India. Other countries have forgotten this, but in India it is ingrained in the people, and one day it will come out.
4. We must all recognize this and work for this. India is the cradle of the Truth and will lead the world to Truth. India will find its real place in the world when it realizes this.
5. The Mother asked N.S. to say to Indira that she should decide to become an obedient, faithful and devoted servant of the Truth and the Truth alone, and then nothing could obstruct her. All outward difficulties and even persons trying to upset her position will not be able to affect her, and if they seem to succeed, if she is firm in her faith and in her devotion to serve the Truth, nothing can prevail against her.
6. To be a true servitor of the Truth one must forget all one's personal desires and preferences and have only the thought to serve the Truth.
7. The Mother then said to N.S. personally and hoped that the men present would not be offended, that it is only women who know how to use this Power that comes from serving the Truth.
8. The Mother also said to convey to Indira that she must know that the laws of man cannot stand before the laws of the Divine and ultimately it is the laws of the Divine that will prevail.
9. The Mother said that the new Consciousness that has descended on the 1st of January is very active, and that we have come to a very critical time in the history of the world, and it is most interesting to watch how things are happening. This new Consciousness is preparing for the Superman and so there are big changes happening all around. When the first man developed, the animal had no mind and could not appreciate the evolution. Man has mind and can appreciate the evolution. That is why this is the most interesting
time in history. If one can stand in that consciousness and watch the happenings from above, one can see how small and futile they are and one can then act upon them with a great Power.
10. The Mother said to N.S. that She wants Indira to continue in her present position because the Mother is able to work through her as she is sincerely trying to serve the country.
11. The Mother said: I know the conditions of the country. Even if one person could put himself faithfully at the disposal of the Truth, he could change the country and the world.
12. The Mother said that Auroville is the only hope for preventing a new world war. Tensions are growing and the situation is becoming very critical. But only the Idea of Auroville, if it can become more widespread, can prevent world war.
13. The children who are born at this time are fortunate.
1 Incident at Kashipur.
2 A minister in the Central government, and, at the time, a friend of Indira Gandhi.
3 We give in addendum an account of N.S.'s conversation with Mother.
4 K. is a disciple.
5 A Chinese disciple.