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Sūkta 56


1. Info

To:    indra
From:   savya āṅgirasa
Metres:   jagatī


2. Audio


▪   by South Indian brahmins



▪   by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.




3. Preferences


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Mandala. Sukta. Rik


Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik


Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik


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3. Text

01.056.01   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.061   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

ए॒ष प्र पू॒र्वीरव॒ तस्य॑ च॒म्रिषोऽत्यो॒ न योषा॒मुद॑यंस्त भु॒र्वणिः॑ ।

दक्षं॑ म॒हे पा॑ययते हिर॒ण्ययं॒ रथ॑मा॒वृत्या॒ हरि॑योग॒मृभ्व॑सं ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

एष प्र पूर्वीरव तस्य चम्रिषोऽत्यो न योषामुदयंस्त भुर्वणिः ।

दक्षं महे पाययते हिरण्ययं रथमावृत्या हरियोगमृभ्वसं ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

eṣá prá pūrvī́ráva tásya camríṣó’tyo ná yóṣāmúdayaṃsta bhurváṇiḥ ǀ

dákṣam mahé pāyayate hiraṇyáyam ráthamāvṛ́tyā háriyogamṛ́bhvasam ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

eṣa pra pūrvīrava tasya camriṣo’tyo na yoṣāmudayaṃsta bhurvaṇiḥ ǀ

dakṣam mahe pāyayate hiraṇyayam rathamāvṛtyā hariyogamṛbhvasam ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

ए॒षः । प्र । पू॒र्वीः । अव॑ । तस्य॑ । च॒म्रिषः॑ । अत्यः॑ । न । योषा॑म् । उत् । अ॒यं॒स्त॒ । भु॒र्वणिः॑ ।

दक्ष॑म् । म॒हे । पा॒य॒य॒ते॒ । हि॒र॒ण्यय॑म् । रथ॑म् । आ॒ऽवृत्य॑ । हरि॑ऽयोगम् । ऋभ्व॑सम् ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

एषः । प्र । पूर्वीः । अव । तस्य । चम्रिषः । अत्यः । न । योषाम् । उत् । अयंस्त । भुर्वणिः ।

दक्षम् । महे । पाययते । हिरण्ययम् । रथम् । आऽवृत्य । हरिऽयोगम् । ऋभ्वसम् ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

eṣáḥ ǀ prá ǀ pūrvī́ḥ ǀ áva ǀ tásya ǀ camríṣaḥ ǀ átyaḥ ǀ ná ǀ yóṣām ǀ út ǀ ayaṃsta ǀ bhurváṇiḥ ǀ

dákṣam ǀ mahé ǀ pāyayate ǀ hiraṇyáyam ǀ rátham ǀ ā-vṛ́tya ǀ hári-yogam ǀ ṛ́bhvasam ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

eṣaḥ ǀ pra ǀ pūrvīḥ ǀ ava ǀ tasya ǀ camriṣaḥ ǀ atyaḥ ǀ na ǀ yoṣām ǀ ut ǀ ayaṃsta ǀ bhurvaṇiḥ ǀ

dakṣam ǀ mahe ǀ pāyayate ǀ hiraṇyayam ǀ ratham ǀ ā-vṛtya ǀ hari-yogam ǀ ṛbhvasam ǁ

interlinear translation

This {Indra} numerous libations in cups  of that {soma} extended down {and} up like restless steed mare, turning hither the golden  discernment  for the great drinking onethe skilful chariot  yoked with the bright horses1.

1 Rishi calls the golden (i.e. true) discernment a skilful chariot-hymn yoked with perceptual forces (with bright horses) of Indra.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

This {Indra}   ←   [1] eṣaḥ (pronoun M-N single)  ←  eṣa

numerous   ←   [3] pūrvīḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  puru

libations in cups   ←   [6] camriṣaḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  camriṣ

of that {soma}   ←   [5] tasya (pronoun M-G single)  ←  sa

extended   ←   [2] pra (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition); [11] ayaṃsta (verb Aorist single 3rd)  ←  yam

down   ←   [4] ava (indeclinable word; adverb)

{and} up   ←   [10] ut (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

like   ←   [8] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

restless   ←   [12] bhurvaṇiḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  bhurvaṇi

steed   ←   [7] atyaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  atya

mare   ←   [9] yoṣām (noun F-Ac single)  ←  yoṣā

turning hither   ←   [18] ā-vṛtya (indeclinable word; verb Absolutive)  ←  āvṛt

the golden   ←   [16] hiraṇyayam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  hiraṇyaya

discernment   ←   [13] dakṣam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  dakṣa

for the great   ←   [14] mahe (noun M-D single)  ←  mah

drinking one   ←   [15] pāyayate (verb Causative single 3rd)  ←  pā

the skilful   ←   [20] ṛbhvasam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ṛbhvas

chariot   ←   [17] ratham (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ratha

yoked with the bright horses   ←   [19] hari-yogam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  hariyoga

01.056.02   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.062   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

तं गू॒र्तयो॑ नेम॒न्निषः॒ परी॑णसः समु॒द्रं न सं॒चर॑णे सनि॒ष्यवः॑ ।

पतिं॒ दक्ष॑स्य वि॒दथ॑स्य॒ नू सहो॑ गि॒रिं न वे॒ना अधि॑ रोह॒ तेज॑सा ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

तं गूर्तयो नेमन्निषः परीणसः समुद्रं न संचरणे सनिष्यवः ।

पतिं दक्षस्य विदथस्य नू सहो गिरिं न वेना अधि रोह तेजसा ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tám gūrtáyo nemanníṣaḥ párīṇasaḥ samudrám ná saṃcáraṇe saniṣyávaḥ ǀ

pátim dákṣasya vidáthasya nū́ sáho girím ná venā́ ádhi roha téjasā ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tam gūrtayo nemanniṣaḥ parīṇasaḥ samudram na saṃcaraṇe saniṣyavaḥ ǀ

patim dakṣasya vidathasya nū saho girim na venā adhi roha tejasā ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

तम् । गू॒र्तयः॑ । ने॒म॒न्ऽइषः॑ । परी॑णसः । स॒मु॒द्रम् । न । स॒म्ऽचर॑णे । स॒नि॒ष्यवः॑ ।

पति॑म् । दक्ष॑स्य । वि॒दथ॑स्य । नु । सहः॑ । गि॒रिम् । न । वे॒नाः । अधि॑ । रो॒ह॒ । तेज॑सा ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

तम् । गूर्तयः । नेमन्ऽइषः । परीणसः । समुद्रम् । न । सम्ऽचरणे । सनिष्यवः ।

पतिम् । दक्षस्य । विदथस्य । नु । सहः । गिरिम् । न । वेनाः । अधि । रोह । तेजसा ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tám ǀ gūrtáyaḥ ǀ neman-íṣaḥ ǀ párīṇasaḥ ǀ samudrám ǀ ná ǀ sam-cáraṇe ǀ saniṣyávaḥ ǀ

pátim ǀ dákṣasya ǀ vidáthasya ǀ nú ǀ sáhaḥ ǀ girím ǀ ná ǀ venā́ḥ ǀ ádhi ǀ roha ǀ téjasā ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tam ǀ gūrtayaḥ ǀ neman-iṣaḥ ǀ parīṇasaḥ ǀ samudram ǀ na ǀ sam-caraṇe ǀ saniṣyavaḥ ǀ

patim ǀ dakṣasya ǀ vidathasya ǀ nu ǀ sahaḥ ǀ girim ǀ na ǀ venāḥ ǀ adhi ǀ roha ǀ tejasā ǁ

interlinear translation

The praises, the abundant striving impulsions wishing to acquire in {their} common movement him like an ocean now with {this} burning force  do rise on the Lord of discrimination , on the Power of knowledge as they, who longing, {rise} on the mountain .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

The praises   ←   [2] gūrtayaḥ (noun F-N plural)  ←  gūrti

the abundant   ←   [4] parīṇasaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  parīṇas

striving impulsions   ←   [3] neman-iṣaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  nemanniṣ

wishing to acquire   ←   [8] saniṣyavaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  saniṣyu

in {their} common movement   ←   [7] sam-caraṇe = sañcaraṇe (noun M-L single)  ←  saṃcaraṇa

him   ←   [1] tam (pronoun M-Ac single)  ←  sa

like   ←   [6] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

an ocean   ←   [5] samudram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  samudra

now   ←   [12] nu (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

with {this} burning force   ←   [19] tejasā (noun N-I single)  ←  tejas

do rise   ←   [18] roha (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  ruh

on the Lord   ←   [9] patim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  pati

of discrimination   ←   [10] dakṣasya (noun M-G single)  ←  dakṣa

on the Power   ←   [13] sahaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  sahas

of knowledge   ←   [11] vidathasya (noun N-G single)  ←  vidatha

as   ←   [15] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

they, who longing   ←   [16] venāḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  vena

{rise} on   ←   [17] adhi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

the mountain   ←   [14] girim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  giri

01.056.03   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.063   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

स तु॒र्वणि॑र्म॒हाँ अ॑रे॒णु पौंस्ये॑ गि॒रेर्भृ॒ष्टिर्न भ्रा॑जते तु॒जा शवः॑ ।

येन॒ शुष्णं॑ मा॒यिन॑माय॒सो मदे॑ दु॒ध्र आ॒भूषु॑ रा॒मय॒न्नि दाम॑नि ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

स तुर्वणिर्महाँ अरेणु पौंस्ये गिरेर्भृष्टिर्न भ्राजते तुजा शवः ।

येन शुष्णं मायिनमायसो मदे दुध्र आभूषु रामयन्नि दामनि ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

sá turváṇirmahā́m̐ areṇú páuṃsye girérbhṛṣṭírná bhrājate tujā́ śávaḥ ǀ

yéna śúṣṇam māyínamāyasó máde dudhrá ābhū́ṣu rāmáyanní dā́mani ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

sa turvaṇirmahām̐ areṇu pauṃsye girerbhṛṣṭirna bhrājate tujā śavaḥ ǀ

yena śuṣṇam māyinamāyaso made dudhra ābhūṣu rāmayanni dāmani ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

सः । तु॒र्वणिः॑ । म॒हान् । अ॒रे॒णु । पौंस्ये॑ । गि॒रेः । भृ॒ष्टिः । न । भ्रा॒ज॒ते॒ । तु॒जा । शवः॑ ।

येन॑ । शुष्ण॑म् । मा॒यिन॑म् । आ॒य॒सः । मदे॑ । दु॒ध्रः । आ॒भूषु॑ । र॒मय॑त् । नि । दाम॑नि ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

सः । तुर्वणिः । महान् । अरेणु । पौंस्ये । गिरेः । भृष्टिः । न । भ्राजते । तुजा । शवः ।

येन । शुष्णम् । मायिनम् । आयसः । मदे । दुध्रः । आभूषु । रमयत् । नि । दामनि ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

sáḥ ǀ turváṇiḥ ǀ mahā́n ǀ areṇú ǀ páuṃsye ǀ giréḥ ǀ bhṛṣṭíḥ ǀ ná ǀ bhrājate ǀ tujā́ ǀ śávaḥ ǀ

yéna ǀ śúṣṇam ǀ māyínam ǀ āyasáḥ ǀ máde ǀ dudhráḥ ǀ ābhū́ṣu ǀ ramáyat ǀ ní ǀ dā́mani ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

saḥ ǀ turvaṇiḥ ǀ mahān ǀ areṇu ǀ pauṃsye ǀ gireḥ ǀ bhṛṣṭiḥ ǀ na ǀ bhrājate ǀ tujā ǀ śavaḥ ǀ

yena ǀ śuṣṇam ǀ māyinam ǀ āyasaḥ ǀ made ǀ dudhraḥ ǀ ābhūṣu ǀ ramayat ǀ ni ǀ dāmani ǁ

interlinear translation

He {is} the overpowering, the great in divine force , the celestial  bright might  {that} blazes like top of the mountain with force, by which {he}, the iron, the impetuous in intoxication  in those, who are with him, cast into cords Sushna , the maker of {false} maya .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

He   ←   [1] saḥ (pronoun M-N single 3rd)  ←  sa

{is} the overpowering   ←   [2] turvaṇiḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  turvaṇi

the great   ←   [3] mahān (noun M-N single)  ←  mahat

in divine force   ←   [5] pauṃsye (noun M-L single)  ←  pauṃsya

the celestial   ←   [4] areṇu (noun N-N single)

bright might   ←   [11] śavaḥ = śavat (noun N-N single)  ←  śavas

{that} blazes   ←   [9] bhrājate (verb Present Middle single 3rd)  ←  bhrāj

like   ←   [8] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

top   ←   [7] bhṛṣṭiḥ (noun F-N single)  ←  bhṛṣṭi

of the mountain   ←   [6] gireḥ (noun M-G single)  ←  giri

with force   ←   [10] tujā (noun M-I single)  ←  tuj

by which   ←   [12] yena (indeclinable word; pronoun I single)

{he}, the iron   ←   [15] āyasaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  āyasa

the impetuous   ←   [17] dudhraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  dudhra

in intoxication   ←   [16] made (noun M-L single)  ←  mada

in those, who are with him   ←   [18] ābhūṣu (noun M-L plural)  ←  ābhū

cast into   ←   [19] ramayat = aramat (indeclinable word; verb Imperfect Active single 3rd)  ←  ram; [20] ni (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

cords   ←   [21] dāmani (noun N-L single)  ←  dāman

Sushna   ←   [13] śuṣṇam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  śuṣṇa

the maker of {false} maya   ←   [14] māyinam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  māyin

01.056.04   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.064   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

दे॒वी यदि॒ तवि॑षी॒ त्वावृ॑धो॒तय॒ इंद्रं॒ सिष॑क्त्यु॒षसं॒ न सूर्यः॑ ।

यो धृ॒ष्णुना॒ शव॑सा॒ बाध॑ते॒ तम॒ इय॑र्ति रे॒णुं बृ॒हद॑र्हरि॒ष्वणिः॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

देवी यदि तविषी त्वावृधोतय इंद्रं सिषक्त्युषसं न सूर्यः ।

यो धृष्णुना शवसा बाधते तम इयर्ति रेणुं बृहदर्हरिष्वणिः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

devī́ yádi táviṣī tvā́vṛdhotáya índram síṣaktyuṣásam ná sū́ryaḥ ǀ

yó dhṛṣṇúnā śávasā bā́dhate táma íyarti reṇúm bṛhádarhariṣváṇiḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

devī yadi taviṣī tvāvṛdhotaya indram siṣaktyuṣasam na sūryaḥ ǀ

yo dhṛṣṇunā śavasā bādhate tama iyarti reṇum bṛhadarhariṣvaṇiḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

दे॒वी । यदि॑ । तवि॑षी । त्वाऽवृ॑धा । ऊ॒तये॑ । इन्द्र॑म् । सिस॑क्ति । उ॒षस॑म् । न । सूर्यः॑ ।

यः । धृ॒ष्णुना॑ । शव॑सा । बाध॑ते । तमः॑ । इय॑र्ति । रे॒णुम् । बृ॒हत् । अ॒र्ह॒रि॒ऽस्वनिः॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

देवी । यदि । तविषी । त्वाऽवृधा । ऊतये । इन्द्रम् । सिसक्ति । उषसम् । न । सूर्यः ।

यः । धृष्णुना । शवसा । बाधते । तमः । इयर्ति । रेणुम् । बृहत् । अर्हरिऽस्वनिः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

devī́ ǀ yádi ǀ táviṣī ǀ tvā́-vṛdhā ǀ ūtáye ǀ índram ǀ sísakti ǀ uṣásam ǀ ná ǀ sū́ryaḥ ǀ

yáḥ ǀ dhṛṣṇúnā ǀ śávasā ǀ bā́dhate ǀ támaḥ ǀ íyarti ǀ reṇúm ǀ bṛhát ǀ arhari-svániḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

devī ǀ yadi ǀ taviṣī ǀ tvā-vṛdhā ǀ ūtaye ǀ indram ǀ sisakti ǀ uṣasam ǀ na ǀ sūryaḥ ǀ

yaḥ ǀ dhṛṣṇunā ǀ śavasā ǀ bādhate ǀ tamaḥ ǀ iyarti ǀ reṇum ǀ bṛhat ǀ arhari-svaniḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

When the divine might, increased by thee for our protection and grouth , follows Indra  like Sun  {follows} Dawn , who by impetuous  bright might  repels darkness, {he} moves widely  dust  crying aloud in battle.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

When   ←   [2] yadi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

the divine   ←   [1] devī (noun F-N single)  ←  deva

might   ←   [3] taviṣī (noun F-N single)

increased by thee   ←   [4] tvā-vṛdhā (noun F-N single)  ←  tvāvṛdha

for our protection and grouth   ←   [5] ūtaye (noun F-D single)  ←  ūti

follows   ←   [7] sisakti = sacate (verb Present Middle single 3rd)  ←  sac

Indra   ←   [6] indram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  indra

like   ←   [9] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

Sun   ←   [10] sūryaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  sūrya

{follows} Dawn   ←   [8] uṣasam (noun F-Ac single)  ←  uṣas

who   ←   [11] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single)  ←  yad

by impetuous   ←   [12] dhṛṣṇunā (noun N-I single)  ←  dhṛṣṇu

bright might   ←   [13] śavasā (noun N-I single)  ←  śavas

repels   ←   [14] bādhate (verb Present Middle single 3rd)  ←  bādh

darkness   ←   [15] tamaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  tamas

{he} moves   ←   [16] iyarti (verb Present Active single 3rd)  ←  ṛ

widely   ←   [18] bṛhat (noun N-Ac single)

dust   ←   [17] reṇum (noun M-Ac single)  ←  reṇu

crying aloud in battle   ←   [19] arhari-svaniḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  arhariṣvaṇi

01.056.05   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.065   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

वि यत्ति॒रो ध॒रुण॒मच्यु॑तं॒ रजोऽति॑ष्ठिपो दि॒व आता॑सु ब॒र्हणा॑ ।

स्व॑र्मीळ्हे॒ यन्मद॑ इंद्र॒ हर्ष्याह॑न्वृ॒त्रं निर॒पामौ॑ब्जो अर्ण॒वं ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

वि यत्तिरो धरुणमच्युतं रजोऽतिष्ठिपो दिव आतासु बर्हणा ।

स्वर्मीळ्हे यन्मद इंद्र हर्ष्याहन्वृत्रं निरपामौब्जो अर्णवं ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

ví yáttiró dharúṇamácyutam rájó’tiṣṭhipo divá ā́tāsu barháṇā ǀ

svármīḷhe yánmáda indra hárṣyā́hanvṛtrám nírapā́maubjo arṇavám ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

vi yattiro dharuṇamacyutam rajo’tiṣṭhipo diva ātāsu barhaṇā ǀ

svarmīḷhe yanmada indra harṣyāhanvṛtram nirapāmaubjo arṇavam ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

वि । यत् । ति॒रः । ध॒रुण॑म् । अच्यु॑तम् । रजः॑ । अति॑स्थिपः । दि॒वः । आता॑सु । ब॒र्हणा॑ ।

स्वः॑ऽमीळ्हे । यत् । मदे॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । हर्ष्या॑ । अह॑न् । वृ॒त्रम् । निः । अ॒पाम् । औ॒ब्जः॒ । अ॒र्ण॒वम् ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

वि । यत् । तिरः । धरुणम् । अच्युतम् । रजः । अतिस्थिपः । दिवः । आतासु । बर्हणा ।

स्वःऽमीळ्हे । यत् । मदे । इन्द्र । हर्ष्या । अहन् । वृत्रम् । निः । अपाम् । औब्जः । अर्णवम् ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ví ǀ yát ǀ tiráḥ ǀ dharúṇam ǀ ácyutam ǀ rájaḥ ǀ átisthipaḥ ǀ diváḥ ǀ ā́tāsu ǀ barháṇā ǀ

sváḥ-mīḷhe ǀ yát ǀ máde ǀ indra ǀ hárṣyā ǀ áhan ǀ vṛtrám ǀ níḥ ǀ apā́m ǀ aubjaḥ ǀ arṇavám ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

vi ǀ yat ǀ tiraḥ ǀ dharuṇam ǀ acyutam ǀ rajaḥ ǀ atisthipaḥ ǀ divaḥ ǀ ātāsu ǀ barhaṇā ǀ

svaḥ-mīḷhe ǀ yat ǀ made ǀ indra ǀ harṣyā ǀ ahan ǀ vṛtram ǀ niḥ ǀ apām ǀ aubjaḥ ǀ arṇavam ǁ

interlinear translation

When {thou} stoodest securely in the regions of Heaven  beyond of supporting fixed Airspace , when, O Indra , {thou}, exultant in intoxication , slewedst Vritra , releasedst the stream of Waters  in pouring on us of Svar ,

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

When   ←   [2] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun)  ←  yad

{thou} stoodest   ←   [7] atisthipaḥ = atiṣṭhaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  sthā

securely   ←   [10] barhaṇā (noun F-N single)  ←  barhaṇa

in the regions   ←   [9] ātāsu (noun L plural)  ←  ātā

of Heaven   ←   [8] divaḥ (noun M-G single)  ←  div

beyond   ←   [1] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [3] tiraḥ (preposition)  ←  tiras

of supporting   ←   [4] dharuṇam (noun N-Ac single)  ←  dharuṇa

fixed   ←   [5] acyutam (noun N-Ac single)  ←  acyuta

Airspace   ←   [6] rajaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  rajas

when   ←   [12] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun)  ←  yad

O Indra   ←   [14] indra (noun M-V single)

{thou}   ←   [16] ahan (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  han

exultant   ←   [15] harṣyā (indeclinable word; participle)

in intoxication   ←   [13] made (noun M-L single)  ←  mada

slewedst   ←   [16] ahan (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  han

Vritra   ←   [17] vṛtram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  vṛtra

releasedst   ←   [18] niḥ (indeclinable word; preposition); [20] aubjaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  ubj

the stream   ←   [21] arṇavam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  arṇava

of Waters   ←   [19] apām (noun F-G plural)  ←  ap

in pouring on us of Svar   ←   [11] svaḥ-mīḷhe (noun M-L single)  ←  svarmīḍha

01.056.06   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.066   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

त्वं दि॒वो ध॒रुणं॑ धिष॒ ओज॑सा पृथि॒व्या इं॑द्र॒ सद॑नेषु॒ माहि॑नः ।

त्वं सु॒तस्य॒ मदे॑ अरिणा अ॒पो वि वृ॒त्रस्य॑ स॒मया॑ पा॒ष्या॑रुजः ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वं दिवो धरुणं धिष ओजसा पृथिव्या इंद्र सदनेषु माहिनः ।

त्वं सुतस्य मदे अरिणा अपो वि वृत्रस्य समया पाष्यारुजः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tvám divó dharúṇam dhiṣa ójasā pṛthivyā́ indra sádaneṣu mā́hinaḥ ǀ

tvám sutásya máde ariṇā apó ví vṛtrásya samáyā pāṣyā́rujaḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tvam divo dharuṇam dhiṣa ojasā pṛthivyā indra sadaneṣu māhinaḥ ǀ

tvam sutasya made ariṇā apo vi vṛtrasya samayā pāṣyārujaḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

त्वम् । दि॒वः । ध॒रुण॑म् । धि॒षे॒ । ओज॑सा । पृ॒थि॒व्याः । इ॒न्द्र॒ । सद॑नेषु । माहि॑नः ।

त्वम् । सु॒तस्य॑ । मदे॑ । अ॒रि॒णाः॒ । अ॒पः । वि । वृ॒त्रस्य॑ । स॒मया॑ । पा॒ष्या॑ । अ॒रु॒जः॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वम् । दिवः । धरुणम् । धिषे । ओजसा । पृथिव्याः । इन्द्र । सदनेषु । माहिनः ।

त्वम् । सुतस्य । मदे । अरिणाः । अपः । वि । वृत्रस्य । समया । पाष्या । अरुजः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tvám ǀ diváḥ ǀ dharúṇam ǀ dhiṣe ǀ ójasā ǀ pṛthivyā́ḥ ǀ indra ǀ sádaneṣu ǀ mā́hinaḥ ǀ

tvám ǀ sutásya ǀ máde ǀ ariṇāḥ ǀ apáḥ ǀ ví ǀ vṛtrásya ǀ samáyā ǀ pāṣyā́ ǀ arujaḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tvam ǀ divaḥ ǀ dharuṇam ǀ dhiṣe ǀ ojasā ǀ pṛthivyāḥ ǀ indra ǀ sadaneṣu ǀ māhinaḥ ǀ

tvam ǀ sutasya ǀ made ǀ ariṇāḥ ǀ apaḥ ǀ vi ǀ vṛtrasya ǀ samayā ǀ pāṣyā ǀ arujaḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

thou upheldst the support of Heaven <i.e. the Mid-World>  by force of the Earth , O Indra , the great one in houses, thou in intoxication  of pressed  releasedst the Waters , entirely brokest to pieces the stone walls  of Vritra .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

thou   ←   [1] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

upheldst   ←   [4] dhiṣe (verb Perfect Middle single 2nd)  ←  dhā

the support   ←   [3] dharuṇam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  dharuṇa

of Heaven <ййййййthe Mid-World>   ←   [2] divaḥ (noun M-G single)  ←  div

by force   ←   [5] ojasā (noun N-I single)  ←  ojas

of the Earth   ←   [6] pṛthivyāḥ (noun F-G single)  ←  pṛthivī

O Indra   ←   [7] indra (noun M-V single)

the great one   ←   [9] māhinaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  māhina

in houses   ←   [8] sadaneṣu (noun M-L plural)  ←  sadana

thou   ←   [10] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

in intoxication   ←   [12] made (noun M-L single)  ←  mada

of pressed   ←   [11] sutasya (noun M-G single)  ←  suta

releasedst   ←   [13] ariṇāḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  rī

the Waters   ←   [14] apaḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  ap

entirely   ←   [17] samayā (indeclinable word; adverb)

brokest to pieces   ←   [15] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [19] arujaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  ruj

the stone walls   ←   [18] pāṣyā (noun N-Ac plural)  ←  pāṣya

of Vritra   ←   [16] vṛtrasya (noun M-G single)  ←  vṛtra

Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo

1. Before March 19181

1.56.1. Lo, he flings himself on the many bowls of that wine feasting on it, like a galloper that mounts its mate. One turns hither his chariot of golden light, of shaping knowledge, to which his two shining powers are yoked and one makes his vastness to drink of the all-discerning delight.

1.56.2. The expressions of our thought led by guiding impulsions (or, submitting to him their impulsions) range all over this god-mind and seek to possess him as men in their wandering range an ocean. Even as men who would take delight ascend a hill, so climb by thy luminous energy on to this lord of discernment, this force of the knowledge.

1.56.3. He is the mighty one who breaks through to the goal; in his virile action his force of light unclouded by the battle dust blazes out from very speed like a flame on a mountain, his force by which in those who cast their being into his he in his rapture of the wine, iron, hard to hold, binds back from working the evil strength in us with its illusions as if in a cord.

1.56.4. When the divine strength that thou hast been increasing in thee embraces firmly the God-mind for its expansion as the Sun embraces the Dawn, then he who dispels with his violent light-force the darkness drives vast the dust of battle as he cries aloud in his warring.

1.56.5. Thus he crosses the vital plane that now unmovingly supports the mental heavens and he stands widely exceeding it; rejoicing in the rapture, in the raining down on us of the world of Light, O God-Mind, thou slayest the Coverer, thou forcest out the flood of those waters.

1.56.6. Thy vastness in the seats of our earth, O God-Mind, upholds by its energy the vital world that upholds the heaven of mind. Thou in the rapture of the outpressed wine hast set the heavenly waters flowing, thou hast broken wholly the Coverer’s stony walls.


1 A Hymn of the Divine Mind-Power // CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, pp. 218-219.


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