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Alphabet index of spiritual names

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 K   L   M   N   O 
 P   Q   R   S   T 
 U   V   W     


A whipping • Capsicum annuum, Solanaceae

Abolition of the ego • Eucalyptus, Myrtaceae

Absence of desire • Atalantia monophylla, Rutaceae

Absolute truthfulness • Solandra hartwegii, Solanaceae

Absolute truthfulness • Solandra maxima, Solanaceae

Abundance • Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbitaceae

Abundance of beauty • Rhododendron, Ericaceae

Abundant expression • Celosia argentea, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Accomplishment • Mimusops elengi, Sapotaceae

Aditi — The Divine Consciousness • Nelumbo nucifera, Nelumbonaceae

Adoration • Cordia sebestena, Boraginaceae; Alt. Ehretiaceae; Alt. Cordiaceae

Aesthetic power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Aesthetic taste (early name) • Coreopsis tinctoria, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Affection for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Agni • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Air • Cestrum nocturnum, Solanaceae

Air of Auroville • Memecylon edule, Melastomataceae; Alt. Memecylaceae

Air of Auroville • Memecylon tinctorium, Melastomataceae

Air or Fragrance (early name) • Cestrum nocturnum, Solanaceae

Alchemy • Hymenocallis, Amaryllidaceae

Ananda • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Ananda in the centres • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Ananda in the physical • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Ananda in the physical body • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Ananda of endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Application • Fittonia albivenis, Acanthaceae

Aristocracy • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Aristocracy of beauty • Dietes iridioides, Iridaceae

Aristocracy of beauty • Iris, Iridaceae

Art • Fuchsia, Onagraceae

Artistic genius (early name) • Rudbeckia hirta, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Artistic sensitivity • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Artistic taste • Ipomoea indica, Convolvulaceae

Artistic thoroughness • Verbena X hybrida, Verbenaceae

Artistic work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Ascension • Leonotis nepetifolia, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Aspiration • Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Oleaceae

Aspiration for immortality • Celosia argentea, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Aspiration for integral immortality • Aerva javanica, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Aspiration for organisation • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Aspiration for purity • Spathiphyllum

Aspiration for silence in the mind • Eranthemum pulchellum, Acanthaceae

Aspiration for silence in the physical mind • Eranthemum pulchellum, Acanthaceae

Aspiration for spiritual intensity • Orthosiphon aristatus, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Aspiration for spirituality • Salvia, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Aspiration for the conquest of enemies in the vital • Verbena aristigera, Verbenaceae

Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness • Vernonia elaeagnifolia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Aspiration for the right attitude • Clerodendrum thomsoniae, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Aspiration for the right attitude • Clerodendrum X speciosum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Aspiration for the supramental guidance in the Subconscient • Pachystachys coccinea, Acanthaceae

Aspiration for trust in the Divine • Asystasia dalzelliana, Acanthaceae

Aspiration for vital purity • Duranta erecta, Verbenaceae

Aspiration in the physical • Ixora coccinea, Rubiaceae

Aspiration in the physical for the Divine Love • Russelia equisetiformis, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Aspiration in the physical for the Supramental Light • Ixora javanica, Rubiaceae

Aspiration of the mind for the supramental guidance • Justicia aurea, Acanthaceae

Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine • Vanda coerulea, Orchidaceae

Attachment of the cells to the Divine • Epidendrum X Obrienianum, Orchidaceae

Attachment of the material vital to the Divine • Eranthemum hypocrateriforme, Acanthaceae

Attachment to the Divine • Belamcanda chinensis, Iridaceae

Attachment to the Divine • Cattleya, Orchidaceae

Attachment to the Divine • Orchidales

Attempt at protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Attempt at vital goodwill • Jacaranda, Bignoniaceae

Attempt towards continuity • Acalypha wilkesiana, Euphorbiaceae

Attempt towards immortality • Celosia argentea, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Attentive mind • Cassia, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Attraction for the Light • Curculigo orchioides, Liliaceae; Alt. Hypoxidaceae

Awakening and first response of Nature to the supramental manifestation • Jatropha integerrima, Euphorbiaceae

Awakening in the mind • Turnera ulmifolia, Turneraceae

Awakening of the physical mind • Turnera ulmifolia, Turneraceae


Balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Balanced use of integral power • Sinningia speciosa, Gesneriaceae

Beauty arising from consecration • Asparagus, Asparagaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation • Narcissus poeticus, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Beauty in Art • Paeonia, Paeoniaceae

Beauty in collective simplicity • Ornithogalum umbellatum, Hyacinthaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Beauty of attachment to the Divine • Cattleya, Orchidaceae

Beauty of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Beauty of Supramental Love • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Beauty of supramental youth • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Beauty of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Beauty of tomorrow • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Beauty offers itself in service to the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Beginning of realisation • Sesbania grandiflora, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Beginning of realisation in Matter • Erythrina variegata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation • Butea monosperma, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Belief • Clerodendrum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Benevolence • Reseda odorata, Resedaceae

Bird of paradise • Heliconia, Heliconiaceae

Birth of true mental sincerity • Melampodium divaricatum, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Blessings • Scabiosa atropurpurea, Dipsacaceae

Blessings on the material world • Scabiosa atropurpurea, Dipsacaceae

Blossoming • Tulipa, Liliaceae

Blossoming of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Blossoming of Nature • Calluna vulgaris, Ericaceae

Blossoming of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Boastfulness • Parkia biglandulosa, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Boldness • Celosia argentea var.ρristata, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Bravery • Amaranthus tricolor, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Broadening of the being • Sinningia speciosa, Gesneriaceae

Broadening of the emotional centre • Gloxinia perennis, Gesneriaceae

Broadening of the most material vital • Sinningia speciosa, Gesneriaceae


Call of the Divine Grace • Operculina turpethum, Convolvulaceae

Candid simplicity in the vital • Oxalis, Oxalidaceae

Care • Chlorophytum comosum, Liliaceae; Alt. Agavaceae

Certitude • Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, Solanaceae

Certitude of victory • Catesbaea spinosa, Rubiaceae

Charity • Commelina, Commelinaceae

Charm • Sambucus, Caprifoliaceae

Charm of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Charm of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Chastity • Citrus limon, Rutaceae

Cheerful endeavour • Arctotis venusta, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Cheerful enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful enthusiasm in action • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful enthusiasm in the higher vital • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful enthusiasm in the most material vital • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful integral enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful physical enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful psychic enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerful vital enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Cheerfulness • Gaillardia pulchella, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Cheerfulness in work for the Divine • Coreopsis tinctoria, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Clear mind • Artabotrys hexapetalus, Annonaceae

Collaboration • Dianthus caryophyllus, Caryophyllaceae

Collective emotions open to the Divine • Cydista aequinoctialis, Bignoniaceae

Collective harmony • Hydrangea, Hydrangeaceae

Collective purity • Viburnum plicatum, Adoxaceae; Alt. Viburnaceae; Alt. Caprifoliaceae

Combined offering of two parts of the being • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Common sense • Nicotiana alata, Solanaceae

Communion with the Divine • Rosa X rehderana, Rosaceae

Complexity of the centres • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Concentration • Euphorbia milii, Euphorbiaceae

Concentration of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Concentration of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Conciliation • Sesamum indicum, Pedaliaceae

Connection between the intuitive mind and the physical (early name) • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Connection between the Light and the physical • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Connection between the Supermind and the physical • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Conquering fervour • Ocimum americanum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Conquest of the armies • Stapelia, Asclepiadaceae

Conquest over the greed for food • Dombeya wallichii, Malvaceae; Alt. Sterculiaceae

Conquest over vital enemies • Verbena aristigera, Verbenaceae

Conscious vital immortality • Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Consciousness of vital continuity independent of the body (early name) • Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Consciousness turned towards the Light • Helianthus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Consciousness turned towards the Supramental Light • Helianthus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Consent of the vital • Browallia, Solanaceae

Consolation (early name) • Mirabilis jalapa, Nyctaginaceae

Constant progress in Matter • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Constant remembrance of the Divine • Lonicera japonica, Caprifoliaceae

Contemplation of the Divine • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae

Continence • Citrus maxima, Rutaceae

Continued perseverance and action • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Continuity • Acalypha, Euphorbiaceae

Control • Billbergia, Bromeliaceae

Control • Pitcairnia museosa, Bromeliaceae

Controlled power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Conversion • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Conversion of the aim of life from the ego to the Divine • Clivia miniata, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Conversion of the emotional being • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Conversion of the higher mind • Lycoris aurea, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Conversion of the mind • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Conversion of the physical • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Conversion of the physical mind • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Conversion of the vital • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Correct movement • Saintpaulia ionantha, Gesneriaceae

Correct movement in the vital • Saintpaulia ionantha, Gesneriaceae

Correct perception • Cananga odorata, Annonaceae

Correct self-estimation • Jasminum humile, Oleaceae

Courage • Calotropis gigantea, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Courage • Calotropis procera, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Courageous endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Courageous goodwill • Ilex, Aquifoliaceae

Creative Word • Leucanthemum X superbum, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Curiosity • Holmskioldia sanguinea, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae


Delicacy • Coriandrum sativum, Apiaceae [= Umbelliferae]

Descent of the Light • Laburnum anagyroides, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Detachment from all that is not the Divine • Ipomoea cairica, Convolvulaceae

Detailed attachment to the Divine • Vanda tessellata, Orchidaceae

Detailed endurance • Zinnia angustifolia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Detailed gratitude • Ipomoea, Convolvulaceae

Detailed gratitude • Merremia quinquefolia, Convolvulaceae

Detailed obedience • Dianthus barbatus, Caryophyllaceae

Detailed perseverance • Wedelia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Detailed plasticity • Tagetes, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Detailed plasticity • Tagetes patula, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Detailed surrender • Rosa, Rosaceae

Determination • Kopsia fruticosa, Apocynaceae

Devotion • Ocimum tenuiflorum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Devotional attitude • Aegle marmelos, Rutaceae

Devotional movement in Radha's consciousness (early name) • Clitoria ternatea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Dignity • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Dignity in the physical • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Dignity of the emotions • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Discipline • Ocimum basilicum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Discreet protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Disinterested work done for the Divine • Crinum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Disinterested work done for the Divine in the vital • Crinum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Disinterestedness (early name) • Beaumontia jerdoniana, Apocynaceae

Distinction • Syringa, Oleaceae

Distinction of the vital • Melia azedarach, Meliaceae

Divine Ananda • Vitis vinifera, Vitaceae

Divine cheerfulness in aesthetic work (early name) • Coreopsis tinctoria, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Divine cheerfulness in artistic work (early name) • Coreopsis tinctoria, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Divine cheerfulness in work (early name) • Coreopsis tinctoria, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Divine Grace • Hibiscus mutabilis, Malvaceae

Divine help • Malvaviscus arboreus, Malvaceae

Divine Knowledge • Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae

Divine Love • Punica granatum, Punicaceae; Alt. Lythraceae

Divine Love governing the world • Brownea coccinea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Divine Love spreading over the world • Punica granatum, Punicaceae; Alt. Lythraceae

Divine Presence • Tradescantia spathacea, Commelinaceae

Divine purity • Hippobroma longiflora, Campanulaceae; Alt. Lobeliaceae

Divine Sacrifice • Punica granatum, Punicaceae; Alt. Lythraceae

Divine smile • Michelia champaca var. alba, Magnoliaceae

Divine solicitude • Malvaviscus arboreus, Malvaceae

Divine solicitude rightly understood • Malvaviscus arboreus, Malvaceae

Divine Will acting in the Inconscient • Clerodendrum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Dreams • Aloe vera, Aloaceae; Alt. Liliaceae; Alt. Asphodelaceae

Dynamic power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae


Effective power of the Supermind • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Effort of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Effort towards the truth • Dillenia suffruticosa, Dilleniaceae

Elan of aspiration • Cleome hasslerana, Capparaceae

Elegance in the emotions • Barleria cristata, Acanthaceae

Eloquence • Alpinia zerumbet, Zingiberaceae

Emotional abundance • Lagenaria siceraria, Cucurbitaceae

Emotional attachment to the Divine • Papilionanthe teres, Orchidaceae

Emotional beauty in the cells • Lantana, Verbenaceae

Emotional centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Emotional movement opening to the Light (early name) • Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae

Emotional opening • Barleria cristata, Acanthaceae

Emotional protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Emotional receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Emotional remembrance • Lamprocapnos spectabilis, Fumariaceae; Alt. Papaveraceae

Emotional sincerity • Aster amellus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Emotional skill in work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Emotional wealth • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Endurance of the higher vital • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Energy of a plastic mind • Tagetes erecta, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Energy turned towards the Divine • Lawsonia inermis, Lythraceae

Enlightened individual power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Enlightened prudence • Emilia sonchifolia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Enthusiasm in action • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Enthusiasm in the higher vital • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Enthusiasm in the most material vital • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Enthusiastic vital consent • Browallia, Solanaceae

Entire self-giving • Ipomoea, Convolvulaceae

Entire self-giving • Ipomoea alba, Convolvulaceae

Equanimity • Iberis, Brassicaceae [= Cruciferae]

Eternal smile • Hibiscus micranthus, Malvaceae

Eternal youth • Hibiscus hirtus, Malvaceae

Ether • Porana paniculata, Convolvulaceae

Exclusive turning of all movements towards the Divine • Eulophia, Orchidaceae

Exclusivism • Nerine sarniensis, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Expressive silence • Linaria maroccana, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae


Fairy freshness • Haematoxylum campechianum, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Faith • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Faithfulness • Quisqualis indica, Combretaceae

Fearlessness • Solanum torvum, Solanaceae

Fearlessness in action • Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Fearlessness in the vital • Solanum melongena, Solanaceae

Fire • Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Fire in the mind • Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Firmness of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Firmness of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

First appearance of purity in the Inconscient • Plumbago zeylanica, Plumbaginaceae

First appearance of the psychic in Matter • Jatropha multifida, Euphorbiaceae

First conscious reception of the Light in Nature • Commelina, Commelinaceae

First mental awakening in Matter • Tribulus terrestris, Zygophyllaceae; Alt. Tribulaceae

First movement of riches towards the Divine • Tithonia diversifolia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

First response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force • Kigelia africana, Bignoniaceae

First response of the Subconscient to the supramental action • Jatropha podagrica, Euphorbiaceae

First sign of Krishna's light in Matter • Evolvulus alsinoides, Convolvulaceae

First turning of the vital to the Divine Light • Rudbeckia hirta, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Flame • Hibiscus schizopetalus, Malvaceae

Flame of aspiration • Acer, Aceraceae

Flaming love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Flower of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Foresight • Sanchezia speciosa, Acanthaceae

Formative faculty in the mind • Crotalaria juncea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Formative faculty in the vital • Crotalaria, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Fortune • Cereus, Cactaceae

Fragile elegance • Anemone coronaria, Ranunculaceae

Frankness • Gerbera jamesonii, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Friendship with the Divine • Canna indica, Cannaceae

Future supramental centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae


Generosity • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Generosity in the physical • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Generosity in the vital • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Generous wealth • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Gentle mind (early name) • Momordica charantia, Cucurbitaceae

Gentleness • Lathyrus odoratus, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Glad remembrance • Clarkia unguiculata, Onagraceae

Godhead • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Going towards perfection (early name) • Brunfelsia australis, Solanaceae

Going towards the higher vital (early name) • Brunfelsia australis, Solanaceae

Gold • Bauhinia tomentosa, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Good temper • Linum grandiflorum, Linaceae

Goodwill • Lobularia maritima, Brassicaceae [= Cruciferae]

Gossip • Typhonium blumei, Araceae

Gratitude • Ipomoea, Convolvulaceae

Gratitude • Ipomoea carnea, Convolvulaceae

Greed for money • Ochna kirkii, Ochnaceae

Greed for money • Ochna serrulata, Ochnaceae

Grouping • Clerodendrum paniculatum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Growth • Primula, Primulaceae


Happy heart • Ravenia spectabilis, Rutaceae

Harmony • Antigonon, Polygonaceae

Harmony in the material vital • Antigonon leptopus, Polygonaceae

Harmony in the vital • Antigonon leptopus, Polygonaceae

Health • Thespesia populnea, Malvaceae

Help • Cymbopogon citratus, Poaceae [= Gramineae]

Heroic action • Arrhostoxylum costatum, Acanthaceae

Heroic thought • Ipomoea horsfalliae, Convolvulaceae

Higher mind • Tecoma stans, Bignoniaceae

Honesty in the physical mind • Galphimia glauca, Malpighiaceae

Hope • Jacquemontia pentanthos, Convolvulaceae

Human passions changed into love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Humility • Agrostis nebulosa, Poaceae [= Gramineae]

Humility before the Divine in the physical nature • Pavetta thomsonii, Rubiaceae

Humility before the Divine in the physical nature • Tarenna asiatica, Rubiaceae

Humility in the love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Hygienic organisation • Moringa oleifera, Moringaceae


Idea • Senna alata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Ideal of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Ideal of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Idealism • Centaurea cyanus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Illumined mind centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Illumined strength in the vital • Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Illumined transparency • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Imagination • Cassia fistula, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Immortality • Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Incorruptible faithfulness • Carlina acaulis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Individual power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Initiation • Yucca, Agavaceae

Inspiration • Aristolochia elegans, Aristolochiaceae

Integral attachment to the Divine • Spathoglottis plicata, Orchidaceae

Integral balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Integral conversion • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Integral conversion with the help of the psychic • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Integral courage • Calotropis gigantea, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Integral endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Integral enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Integral even basis in the material (early name) • Clerodendrum chinense, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Integral gratitude • Operculina turpethum, Convolvulaceae

Integral harmony • Antigonon leptopus, Polygonaceae

Integral immortality • Alternanthera, Amaranthaceae

Integral immortality • Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Integral intimacy with the Divine • Lagerstroemia indica, Lythraceae

Integral love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Integral mental purity • Tabernaemontana divaricata, Apocynaceae

Integral offering • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Integral offering of the vital • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Integral opening of the being to the Divine • Barleria cristata, Acanthaceae

Integral opening to the Light • Thunbergia erecta, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Integral organisation • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Integral prayer • Zephyranthes, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Integral prayer • Zephyranthes candida, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Integral progress • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Integral progress in Matter • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Integral progress in the vital • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Integral protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Integral psychological perfection • Plumeria obtusa, Apocynaceae

Integral purity • Jasminum, Oleaceae

Integral purity • Jasminum sambac, Oleaceae

Integral Radha's consciousness (early name) • Clitoria ternatea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Integral receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Integral renunciation of vital desires • Angelonia salicariifolia, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Integral revelation • Costus speciosus, Costaceae; Alt. Zingiberaceae

Integral silence • Passiflora foetida, Passifloraceae

Integral simplicity • Vittadinia cuneata, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Integral solace • Mirabilis jalapa, Nyctaginaceae

Integral tapasya • Datura, Solanaceae

Integral thoroughness • Verbena X hybrida, Verbenaceae

Integral transparency • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Integral trust in the Divine • Asystasia gangetica, Acanthaceae

Integral wealth of Mahalakshmi • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Integral wisdom • Albizia lebbeck, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Integrally equal basis in the physical • Clerodendrum chinense, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Integrally pure thoughts • Viola tricolor var. hortensin, Violaceae

Intensity of consciousness in the full Supramental Light • Helianthus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Intimacy with the Divine • Lagerstroemia indica, Lythraceae

Intimacy with the Divine in the physical • Lagerstroemia indica, Lythraceae

Intimacy with the Divine in the psychic • Lagerstroemia indica, Lythraceae

Intimacy with the Divine in the vital • Lagerstroemia indica, Lythraceae

Intimacy with universal Nature • Lagerstroemia speciosa, Lythraceae

Intuitive knowledge • Caesalpinia coriara, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Intuitive mind centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Intuitive mind manifested in the physical (early name) • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Inventions • Cytisus scoparius, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]


Joy in fairyland • Kleinhovia hospita, Malvaceae; Alt. Sterculiaceae

Joy of beauty • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Joy of integral faithfulness • Portlandia grandiflora, Rubiaceae

Joy of integral peace • Crinum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Joy of spirituality • Sansevieria, Ruscaceae; Alt. Agavaceae

Joy of spirituality • Sansevieria grandis, Ruscaceae; Alt. Dracaenaceae; Alt. Agavaceae

Joy of union with the Divine • Ocimum basilicum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Joy of vegetal Nature in answer to the new Light • Callistemon, Myrtaceae

Joy of victory • Anemopaegma chamberlaynii, Bignoniaceae

Joyful endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Joyful expression • Celosia argentea, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Joy's call • Campanula medium, Campanulaceae


Kind mind • Luffa acutangula, Cucurbitaceae

Kindness (early name) • Lathyrus odoratus, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Kindness of Nature • Trifolium, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Knowledge • Leucaena leucocephala, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Knowledge of details • Acacia leucophloea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Krishna's Ananda • Plumbago auriculata, Plumbaginaceae

Krishna's influence in the Subconscient • Ecbolium linneanum, Acanthaceae

Krishna's integral play • Torenia fournieri var. aba, Linderniaceae

Krishna's light in the mind • Thunbergia grandiflora, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Krishna's light in the Overmind • Salvia farinacea, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Krishna's light in the physical mind • Ruellia ciliatiflora, Acanthaceae

Krishna's light in the physical mind • Ruellia ciliosa, Acanthaceae

Krishna's light in the senses • Clitoria ternatea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Krishna's light in the Subconscient • Eranthemum wattii, Acanthaceae

Krishna's light in the vital • Ruellia tuberosa, Acanthaceae

Krishna's play • Torenia fournieri, Linderniaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae; Alt. Plantaginaceae

Krishna's play in Matter • Torenia fournieri, Linderniaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae; Alt. Plantaginaceae

Krishna's play in the vital • Eichhornia crassipes, Pontederiaceae


Lasting attachment • Hedera, Araliaceae

Lasting inspiration • Aristolochia ringens, Aristolochiaceae

Lasting remembrance • Myosotis sylvatica, Boraginaceae; Alt. Myosotis

Liberation • Careya arborea, Lecythidaceae; Alt. Barringtoniaceae

Liberation in the vital • Berrya cordifolia, Malvaceae; Alt. Tiliaceae

Life energy • Chrysanthemum morifolium, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Life energy in the material • Chrysanthemum morifolium, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Life energy in the vital • Chrysanthemum morifolium, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Light • Cestrum diurnum, Solanaceae

Light in fairyland • Kalanchoe pinnata, Crassulaceae

Light in the blood • Anethum graveolens, Apiaceae [= Umbelliferae]

Light in the blood • Foeniculum vulgare, Apiaceae [= Umbelliferae]

Light in the cells • Lantana, Verbenaceae

Light in the vital • Cestrum elegans, Solanaceae

Light in the vital movements • Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae

Light of purified power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Light without obscurity • Eucharis X grandiflora, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Lightness • Parkinsonia aculeata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Logic in thoughts • Prosopis glandulosa, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Love from the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Love in the physical for the Divine • Ipomoea quamoclit, Convolvulaceae

Loving surrender • Rosa, Rosaceae


Mahasaraswati's perfection in works • Rondeletia odorata, Rubiaceae

Manifold endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Manifold Generosity • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Manifold Power of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Manifold Power of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Manifold protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Manifold receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Mastery • Syzygium jambos, Myrtaceae

Mastery of sex • Anthurium andraeanum, Araceae

Material abundance • Gossypium, Malvaceae

Material continuity • Acalypha godseffiana, Euphorbiaceae

Material enterprises • Ceiba pentandra, Bombacaceae; Alt. Malvaceae

Material organisation • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Material power to heal • Calandrinia grandiflora, Portulacaceae

Matter aspiring for the supramental guidance • Odontonema tubaeforme, Acanthaceae

Matter consenting to be spiritualised • Salvia splendens, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Matter prepares itself to receive the Supramental • Erythrina variegata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Matter under the supramental guidance • Hamelia patens, Rubiaceae

Mental aspiration • Ixora coccinea, Rubiaceae

Mental attachment to the Divine • Dendrobium moschatum, Orchidaceae

Mental balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Mental boldness • Celosia argentea var.ρristata, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Mental chastity • Oncoba spinosa, Salicaceae; Alt. Flacourtiaceae

Mental cheerfulness • Gaillardia pulchella, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Mental curiosity • Holmskioldia sanguinea, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Mental endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Mental fantasy • Delonix elata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Mental goodwill • Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae

Mental gratitude • Merremia tuberosa, Convolvulaceae

Mental honesty • Tristellateia australasiae, Malpighiaceae

Mental love for the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Mental love under the psychic influence • Rosa, Rosaceae

Mental opening • Barleria prionitis, Acanthaceae

Mental plasticity • Tagetes erecta, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Mental prayer • Zephyranthes, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Mental pride • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Mental promise • Abutilon indicum, Malvaceae

Mental purity • Tabernaemontana divaricata, Apocynaceae

Mental receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Mental simplicity • Thymophylla tenuiloba, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Mental sincerity • Solidago, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Mental spirit of imitation • Dendropthoe falcata, Loranthaceae

Mental suggestions of organisation • Aglaia odorata, Meliaceae

Mental surrender • Rosa, Rosaceae

Mental tapasya • Datura, Solanaceae

Mental trust in the Divine • Asystasia gangetica, Acanthaceae

Mental victory (early name) • Allamanda cathartica, Apocynaceae

Mental voice • Gmelina philippensis, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Mentalised power • Abelmoschus esculentus, Malvaceae

Mentalised power • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Mind • Thevetia peruviana, Apocynaceae

Mind of Light acting in Matter • Castanospermum australe, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Miracle • Memecylon edule, Melastomataceae; Alt. Memecylaceae

Miracle • Memecylon tinctorium, Melastomataceae

Modesty • Viola odorata, Violaceae

Modesty of beauty • Gypsophila elegans, Caryophyllaceae

Movements in the Light • Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae

Multitude • Cocos nucifera, Arecaceae [= Palmae]


Nature aspires to be supramentalised • Stictocardia beraviensis, Convolvulaceae

Nature makes an offering of her beauty • Ipomoea, Convolvulaceae

Nature's hope for realisation • Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae

Never tell a lie • Pereskia, Cactaceae

New birth • Origanum majorana, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

New creation • Polianthes tuberosa, Agavaceae

New world • Bixa orellana, Bixaceae

No quarrels • Gloriosa superba, Combretaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Nobility • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]


Obedience • Dianthus chinensis, Caryophyllaceae

Obscurity offers itself to be transformed • Thunbergia alata, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Observation • Senecio, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Occult power (early name) • Pancratium littorale, Liliaceae

Occult power (early name) • Pancratium zeylanicum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Occult power working in the material (early name) • Gloriosa superba, Combretaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Occultism • Pancratium littorale, Liliaceae

Occultism • Pancratium zeylanicum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Offering • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Offering of all obscurities • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Offering of the emotions • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Offering of the material vital • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Offering of the most material vital • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Offering of the physical • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Offering of the vital • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Opening • Barleria, Acanthaceae

Opening of the emotional centre to the Light • Pandorea jasminoides, Bignoniaceae

Opening of the emotional vital • Barleria cristata, Acanthaceae

Opening of the higher vital to the Light • Thunbergia erecta, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Opening of the material vital to the Light • Thunbergia erecta, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Opening of the physical to the Divine Love • Ipomoea hederifolia, Convolvulaceae

Opening of the vital to Radha's consciousness (early name) • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Opening of the vital to Radha's influence (early name) • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love • Euphorbia cyathophora, Euphorbiaceae

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love • Euphorbia pulcherrima, Euphorbiaceae

Opening to Sri Aurobindo's Force • Thunbergia kirkii, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Opening to the Light • Thunbergia erecta, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Optimism • Erysimum cheiri, Brassicaceae [= Cruciferae]

Order • Randia speciosa, Rubiaceae

Organisation • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Organisation in the vital • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Organisation of action in life • Combretum fruticosum, Combretaceae

Organisation of details • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Organisation of the being around the psychic • Plumbago indica, Plumbaginaceae

Organised emotional broadening • Sinningia speciosa, Gesneriaceae

Organised material energy • Schefflera actinophylla, Araliaceae

Organised team-work • Averrhoa carambola, Oxalidaceae; Alt. Averrhoaceae


Passion • Spathodea campanulata, Bignoniaceae

Patience • Mimusops elengi, Sapotaceae

Peace • Curcuma zedoaria, Zingiberaceae

Peace in the cells • Ixora thwaitesii, Rubiaceae

Peace in the nerves • Guettarda speciosa, Rubiaceae

Peace in the physical • Calophyllum inophyllum, Clusiaceae [= Guttiferae]

Peace in the sex centre • Morinda citrifolia, Rubiaceae

Peace in the vital • Murraya paniculata, Rutaceae

Peace of integral faithfulness • Portlandia grandiflora, Rubiaceae

Perfect balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Perfect generosity in the vital • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Perfect integral balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Perfect mental balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Perfect mental purity • Tabernaemontana divaricata, Apocynaceae

Perfect new creation • Polianthes tuberosa, Agavaceae

Perfect obedience • Dianthus chinensis, Caryophyllaceae

Perfect path • Coffea, Rubiaceae

Perfect planning of work • Clerodendrum inerme, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Perfect psychic balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Perfect psychological perfection • Plumeria obtusa, Apocynaceae

Perfect purity (early name) • Jasminum, Oleaceae

Perfect quietness in the mind • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae

Perfect radiating psychology • Chonemorpha fragrans, Apocynaceae

Perfect radiating purity • Gardenia jasminoides, Rubiaceae

Perfect surrender • Rosa, Rosaceae

Perfect tapasya • Datura suaveolens, Solanaceae

Perfect vigilance • Magnolia grandiflora, Magnoliaceae

Perfect working of the mind • Trachymene coerulea, Apiaceae [= Umbelliferae]; Alt. Araliaceae

Perpetual vitality • Coniferophyta

Perseverance • Calendula officinalis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Physical aspiration for immortality • Celosia argentea, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Physical boldness • Celosia argentea var.ρristata, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Physical centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine • Tithonia rotundifolia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Physical continuity • Acalypha hispida, Euphorbiaceae

Physical curiosity • Holmskioldia sanguinea, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Physical endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Physical enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Physical mind • Tecoma X smithii, Bignoniaceae

Physical plasticity • Tagetes erecta, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Physical protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Physical receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Physical skill in work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Physical thoroughness • Verbena X hybrida, Verbenaceae

Plasticity • Tagetes, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Poetic ecstasy • Wisteria sinensis, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work • Passiflora vitifolia, Passifloraceae

Power in the converted mind • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power in the higher vital • Hibiscus syriacus, Malvaceae

Power in the most material vital (early name) • Gossypium arboreum, Malvaceae

Power in the service of the future • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of action • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of Beauty • Narcissus, Amaryllidaceae

Power of collective aspiration • Hoya carnosa, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Power of consciousness • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of effort • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power of harmony • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of integral expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power of integral purity • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of manifold expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power of mental expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power of perfect endurance • Strobilanthes kunthianus, Acanthaceae

Power of perseverance • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of physical expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power of progress • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of psychic expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power of purity • Convallaria majalis, Liliaceae; Alt. Ruscaceae; Alt. Convolvulaceae

Power of realisation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of spiritual beauty • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of spirituality • Sansevieria, Ruscaceae; Alt. Agavaceae

Power of success • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of the future • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of the psychic consciousness • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of the Supramental Consciousness • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power of Truth in the Subconscient • Tecoma capensis, Bignoniaceae

Power of vital expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Power to progress • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Power to reject adverse suggestions • Codiaeum variegatum, Euphorbiaceae

Prayer • Zephyranthes, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Presence • Plumbago auriculata, Plumbaginaceae

Prevision • Clerodendrum minahassae, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Pride • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Pride of beauty • Hyacinthus orientalis, Hyacinthaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Primitive succulence • Muntingia calabura, Muntingiaceae; Alt. Elaeocarpaceae; Alt. Tiliaceae

Progress • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Progress of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Progress of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Progressive expression • Antirrhinum majus, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Progressive friendship with the Divine • Canna indica, Cannaceae

Promise • Abutilon X hybridum, Malvaceae

Promise of realisation • Tropaeolum majus, Tropaeolaceae

Promise of realisation in Matter • Tropaeolum majus, Tropaeolaceae

Promise of realisation in the mind • Tropaeolum majus, Tropaeolaceae

Promise of realisation in the physical • Tropaeolum majus, Tropaeolaceae

Promise of realisation in the physical mind • Tropaeolum majus, Tropaeolaceae

Promise of renewal • Galanthus nivalis var viridapicis, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Prosperity • Couroupita guianensis, Lecythidaceae

Protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Protection of the gods • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Prudence • Emilia sonchifolia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Psychic aspiration • Ixora chinensis, Rubiaceae

Psychic awakening in Matter • Dodonaea viscosa, Sapindaceae

Psychic balance • Begonia, Begoniaceae

Psychic centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Psychic dignity • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Psychic endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Psychic enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Psychic generosity • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Psychic influence in the emotions • Justicia plumbaginifolia, Acanthaceae

Psychic light in the material movements • Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae

Psychic light in the physical movements • Pentas lanceolata, Rubiaceae

Psychic light in the Subconscient • Crossandra infundibuliformis, Acanthaceae

Psychic love • Rosa, Rosaceae

Psychic offering • Alcea rosea, Malvaceae

Psychic peace • Holarrhena pubescens, Apocynaceae

Psychic power in existence • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Psychic prayer • Habranthus robustus, Amaryllidaceae

Psychic prayer • Zephyranthes, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Psychic protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Psychic purity • Jasminum, Oleaceae

Psychic receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Psychic soaring of Nature • Rosa canina, Rosaceae

Psychic thoroughness • Verbena X hybrida, Verbenaceae

Psychic tranquillity • Vallaris solanacea, Apocynaceae

Psychic transparency • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Psychic work • Cassia javanica, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Psychological perfection • Plumeria rubra, Apocynaceae

Psychological perfection in Matter • Plumeria rubra, Apocynaceae

Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment • Plumeria rubra, Apocynaceae

Psycho-physical generosity • Impatiens balsamina, Balsaminaceae

Pure creation (early name) • Polianthes tuberosa, Agavaceae

Pure sense of beauty • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Pure spiritual surrender • Rosa, Rosaceae

Purified dynamic life energy • Chrysanthemum morifolium, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Purified gold • Bauhinia acuminata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Purified mind • Thevetia peruviana, Apocynaceae

Purified senses • Clitoria ternatea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Purified sex centre • Anthurium andraeanum, Araceae

Purified worship (early name) • Leucas aspera, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Purity • Jasminum, Oleaceae

Purity arising from perfect consecration • Lilium candidum, Liliaceae

Purity in action • Stemmadenia littoralis, Apocynaceae

Purity in the blood • Pimpinella major, Apiaceae [= Umbelliferae]

Purity in the cells • Lantana, Verbenaceae

Purity in the emotional centre • Thunbergia fragrans, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae


Quiet mind • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae

Quiet strength in the vital • Tradescantia zebrina, Commelinaceae

Quietness established in the mind • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae


Radha’s consciousness • Clitoria ternatea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Radha's consciousness in the vital • Clitoria ternatea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Radiating divine cheerfulness in work (early name) • Coreopsis tinctoria, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Radiating peace in the cells • Pavetta indica, Rubiaceae

Radiating purity • Gardenia jasminoides, Rubiaceae

Radiating skill in work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Radiating vital purity • Strophanthus gratus, Apocynaceae

Radiation of the manifestation • Strophanthus, Apocynaceae

Realisation • Delonix regia, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Realisation of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Realisation of supramental riches • Pterospermum acerifolium, Malvaceae; Alt. Sterculiaceae

Realisation of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Reason • Artabotrys hexapetalus, Annonaceae

Receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Receptivity of the supramentalised psychic • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Refined taste • Kaempferia pulchra, Zingiberaceae

Refinement • Buddleja davidii, Buddlejaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae; Alt. Loganiaceae

Refinement of emotions • Brunfelsia australis, Solanaceae

Refinement of habits • Gliricidia sepium, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Refinement of sensations • Cassia roxburghii, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Regularity • Digitalis, Scrophulariaceae

Regularity • Martynia annua, Martyniaceae; Alt. Pedaliaceae

Religious thought • Wrightia tinctoria, Apocynaceae

Remembrance • Solanum rantonnetii, Solanaceae

Remembrance of Sri Aurobindo • Lobelia erinus, Campanulaceae; Alt. Lobeliaceae

Renunciation of desires • Tectona grandis, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Renunciation of emotional desires • Angelonia salicariifolia, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Renunciation of vital desires • Angelonia grandiflora, Plantaginaceae

Renunciation of vital desires • Angelonia salicariifolia, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Repentance • Chloris barbata, Poaceae [= Gramineae]

Repose • Rotheca myricoides, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Resolution • Brunfelsia americana, Solanaceae

Response of the mind to the Supramental Light • Asclepias curassavica, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light • Asclepias curassavica, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Restfulness (early name) • Papaver rhoeas, Papaveraceae

Result of harmonious organisation • Pseuderanthemum, Acanthaceae

Return • Cordyline fruticosa, Liliaceae; Alt. Laxmanniaceae; Alt. Lomandraceae; Alt. Asteliaceae

Revelation • Costus speciosus, Costaceae; Alt. Zingiberaceae

Riches • Cactaceae

Richness of feelings • Echinopsis oxygona, Cactaceae

Right attitude • Clerodendrum speciosissimum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Right attitude established • Clerodendrum splendens, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Right use of the granted Grace • Saponaria officinalis, Caryophyllaceae

Rising from the lower vital (early name) • Brunfelsia australis, Solanaceae

Rising star • Aganosma roxburghii, Apocynaceae

Road to the Divine • Ledebouria botryoides, Hyacinthaceae; Alt. Liliaceae


Sachchidananda • Hedychium, Zingiberaceae

Sadhana • This flower is not identified

Scented marvel • Cyclamen purpurascens, Myrtaceae; Alt. Primulaceae

Seeking for clarity • Gazania, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Seeking for support only in the Divine • Solanum seaforthianum, Solanaceae

Seeking the Light in the lower vital • Iochroma cyaneum, Solanaceae

Sensitivity • Malpighia coccigera, Malpighiaceae

Sensitivity • Malpighia glabra, Malpighiaceae

Sentry • Clematis, Ranunculaceae

Service • Peltophorum pterocarpum, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Sex centre aspiring to be purified • Anthurium andraeanum, Araceae

Sharp tongue • Aphelandra tetragona, Acanthaceae

Sign of the Spirit • Viscum album, Loranthaceae; Alt. Viscaceae

Silence • Passiflora caerulea, Passifloraceae

Silence • Passiflora incarnata, Passifloraceae

Silence in the vital • Achimenes grandiflora, Gesneriaceae

Silver • Proiphys amboinensis, Amaryllidaceae

Simple sincerity • Aster amellus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Sincerity in the vital • Aster amellus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Skill in integral work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Skill in material work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Skill in mental work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Skill in psychic work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Skill in vital work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Skill in work • Phlox drummondii, Polemoniaceae

Smile of beauty • Prunus serrulata, Rosaceae

Smile of Nature • Prunus dulcis, Rosaceae

Soaring • Delphinium, Ranunculaceae

Solace • Mirabilis jalapa, Nyctaginaceae

Solace in the mind • Mirabilis jalapa, Nyctaginaceae

Solace in the vital • Mirabilis jalapa, Nyctaginaceae

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness • Bombax ceiba, Bombacaceae; Alt. Malvaceae

Specialised detailed energy • Chrysanthemum, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Spirit (early name) • Porana paniculata, Convolvulaceae

Spiritual ascension • Citharexylum, Verbenaceae

Spiritual ascension of the vital • Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Verbenaceae

Spiritual aspiration • Terminalia catappa, Combretaceae

Spiritual aspiration in the physical • Russelia sarmentosa, Plantaginaceae; Alt. Veronicaceae; Alt. Scrophulariaceae

Spiritual aspiration in the vital • Celosia argentea var.ρristata, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Spiritual atmosphere • Azadirachta indica, Meliaceae

Spiritual awakening of the vital • Solenostemon scutellarioides, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Spiritual beauty • Leontopodium alpinum, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Spiritual happiness • Pelargonium, Geraniaceae

Spiritual intensity • Orthosiphon aristatus, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Spiritual perfume • Pandanus tectorius, Pandanaceae

Spiritual power of healing • Petrea volubilis, Verbenaceae

Spiritual speech • Asparagus densiflorus, Asparagaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Spiritual success • Hiptage benghalensis, Malpighiaceae

Spiritual beauty of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Splendour and opulence in material life • Quassia amara, Simaroubaceae

Spontaneous aspiration of Nature towards the Divine • Leucanthemum vulgare, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Spontaneous beauty • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Spontaneous boldness • Celosia argentea var.ρristata, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Spontaneous endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Spontaneous joy of nature • Papaver rhoeas, Papaveraceae

Spring purity • Crataegus, Rosaceae

Sri Aurobindo's compassion • Portulaca grandiflora, Portulacaceae

Sri Krishna's influence in the Subconscient (early name) • Clerodendrum indicum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

Stability in the higher vital • Bauhinia purpurea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Stability in the vital • Bauhinia purpurea, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Stages to the Supreme • Lupinus, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Static beauty • Camellia japonica, Theaceae

Steadfast vitality • Areca catechu, Arecaceae [= Palmae]

Steadfastness • Psidium guajava, Myrtaceae

Straightforwardness • Ixora pavetta, Rubiaceae

Strength in the vital • Solenostemon scutellarioides, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Striving towards integral wisdom • Zapoteca portoricensis, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Striving towards wisdom • Calliandra, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Subconscient remembrance • Cynoglossum amabile, Boraginaceae

Success in supramental works • Cochlospermum religiosum, Bixaceae; Alt. Cochlospermaceae

Success in the most material vital • Gossypium arboreum, Malvaceae

Success of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Successful future • Gaillardia pulchella, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Successful future under the supramental influence • Gaillardia pulchella, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Sun-drop • Physalis alkekengi, Solanaceae

Superhumanity • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental action • Barringtonia asiatica, Lecythidaceae; Alt. Barringtoniaceae

Supramental artistic genius • Helianthus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental attachment to the Divine • Rosa, Rosaceae

Supramental beauty in the physical • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Supramental bird • Strelitzia reginae, Strelitziaceae; Alt. Musaceae

Supramental consciousness • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Supramental friendship with the Divine • Canna indica, Cannaceae

Supramental future (early name) • Gaillardia pulchella, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental immortality • Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Supramental immortality upon earth • Xerochrysum bracteatum, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental influence • Macfadyena unguis-cati, Bignoniaceae

Supramental influence in the cells • Lantana, Verbenaceae

Supramental influence in the emotional movement of the sex centre (early name) • Cosmos, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental influence in the material movement of the sex centre (early name) • Cosmos, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental influence in the sex centre • Cosmos, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental influence in the Subconscient • Crossandra infundibuliformis, Acanthaceae

Supramental influence in the vital movement of the sex centre (early name) • Cosmos, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental invocation • Sternbergia lutea, Amaryllidaceae

Supramental knowledge • Acacia farnesiana, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Supramental light in the psychic centre (early name) • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Supramental Light in the sex centre • Cosmos sulphureus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramental Light in the Subconscient • Crossandra infundibuliformis, Acanthaceae

Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name) • Punica granatum, Punicaceae; Alt. Lythraceae

Supramental manifestation • Scadoxus multiflorus, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Supramental rain • Pyrostegia venusta, Bignoniaceae

Supramental riches • Selenicereus, Cactaceae

Supramental sun • Neolamarckia cadamba, Rubiaceae

Supramental Victory • This flower is not identified

Supramental victory (early name) • Tecoma stans, Bignoniaceae

Supramental voice (early name) • Anemopaegma karstenii, Bignoniaceae

Supramentalised endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised life energy • Chrysanthemum morifolium, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised life energy in the physical (early name) • Chrysanthemum morifolium, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised mental dignity • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised mind • Thevetia peruviana, Apocynaceae

Supramentalised plasticity • Tagetes, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised psychic activity • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised psychological perfection • Michelia champaca, Magnoliaceae

Supramentalised receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Supramentalised vital transparency • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Supramentalised wealth • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Surrender • Rosa, Rosaceae

Surrender of all falsehood • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae

Sweetness • Momordica charantia, Cucurbitaceae

Sweetness of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae


Tapasya • Datura, Solanaceae

Tenderness for the Divine • Rosa chinensis, Rosaceae

The aim of existence is realised • Cattleya, Orchidaceae

The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

The Avatar • Nelumbo nucifera, Nelumbonaceae

The body-consciousness undergoing the supramental transformation • Helianthus annuus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

The charm of deceitful beauty • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

The divine principle of duplicity • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

The Divine Will acting in the subconscient • Clerodendrum indicum, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]; Alt. Verbenaceae

The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine • Acanthus montanus, Acanthaceae

The future • Salix discolor, Salicaceae

The guardian • Acanthus ilicifolius, Acanthaceae

The psychic governs Matter • Erythrina variegata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

The vital consenting to be spiritualised • Salvia leucantha, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

The vital governed by the Presence • Tradescantia pallida, Commelinaceae

The vital's possibility of perfection • Gladiolus murielae, Iridaceae

Thirst for perfection • Justicia brandegeeana, Acanthaceae

Thirst to learn • Ipomoea lobata, Convolvulaceae

Thirst to understand • Crossostephium artemisioides, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Thoroughness • Verbena X hybrida, Verbenaceae

Thoughts turned towards the Divine • Viola tricolor var. hortensin, Violaceae

Timidity in attachment to the Divine • Rosa chinensis, Rosaceae

To know how to listen • Podranea ricasoliana, Bignoniaceae

To know how to say what is needed • Alpinia galanga, Zingiberaceae

To live only for the Divine • Myrtus communis, Myrtaceae

Total conversion • Hippeastrum, Liliaceae; Alt. Amaryllidaceae

Tranquillity of the sex centre when it is under the influence of the Supramental Light • Cosmos bipinnatus, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Transformation • Millingtonia hortensis, Bignoniaceae

Transformation dispels obscurity • Thunbergia alata, Acanthaceae; Alt. Thunbergiaceae

Transformed sex centre • Caladium, Araceae

Transparency • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Transparency in the physical • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Transparency of the emotional vital • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Triple aspiration • Capparis zeylanica, Capparaceae; Alt. Brassicaceae [= Cruciferae]

Triple protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

True action in the material vital • Combretum coccineum, Combretaceae

True worship • Leucas aspera, Lamiaceae [= Labiatae]

Trust in the Divine • Asystasia gangetica, Acanthaceae

Trust of the emotional vital in the Divine • Asystasia gangetica, Acanthaceae

Trust of the vital mind in the Divine • Asystasia gangetica, Acanthaceae

Turning of wrong movements into right movements • Nerium oleander, Apocynaceae


Unconditional integral offering • Ipomoea tricolor, Convolvulaceae

Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Unmanifest Divine Love • Punica granatum, Punicaceae; Alt. Lythraceae

Unostentatious Certitude • Platycodon grandiflorus, Campanulaceae

Unselfish prosperity • Couroupita guianensis, Lecythidaceae

Unselfishness • Beaumontia jerdoniana, Apocynaceae

Usefulness of Auroville • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Usefulness of the new creation • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae


Vanity • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Vegetal goodwill towards the supramental forces • Cuphea micropetala, Lythraceae

Victorious beauty • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Victorious endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Victorious love • Hibiscus mutabilis, Malvaceae

Victory • Allamanda cathartica, Apocynaceae

Victory in the vital • Allamanda violacea, Apocynaceae

Vigilance • Pentapetes phoeniceae, Sterculiaceae

Vital activated by the Divine's Love (early name) • Euphorbia cyathophora, Euphorbiaceae

Vital activated by the Divine's Love (early name) • Euphorbia pulcherrima, Euphorbiaceae

Vital aspiration for immortality • Celosia argentea, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Vital aspiration for union with the Divine • Polygonum, Polygonaceae

Vital attachment to the Divine • Spathoglottis plicata, Orchidaceae

Vital boldness • Celosia argentea var.ρristata, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Vital centre • Canna X generalis, Cannaceae

Vital consecration • Heliotropium arborescens, Boraginaceae

Vital contentment • Bauhinia variegata, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Vital continuity • Acalypha wilkesiana, Euphorbiaceae

Vital courage • Solanum melongena, Solanaceae

Vital endurance • Zinnia elegans, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Vital enthusiasm • Petunia X hybrida, Solanaceae

Vital fantasy • Talinum paniculatum, Portulacaceae

Vital gentleness • Lathyrus odoratus, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Papilionaceae

Vital honesty • Kaempferia rotunda, Zingiberaceae

Vital immortality • Gomphrena globosa, Amaranthaceae; Alt. Chenopodiaceae

Vital impulses • Graptophyllum pictum, Acanthaceae

Vital joy in Matter • Nierembergia hippomanica, Solanaceae

Vital opening • Saritaea magnifica, Bignoniaceae

Vital opening to the Supramental Light • Barleria, Acanthaceae

Vital patience • Ageratum houstonianum, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Vital plenitude • Telosma cordata, Apocynaceae; Alt. Asclepiadaceae

Vital prayer • Zephyranthes, Amaryllidaceae; Alt. Liliaceae

Vital pride • Dahlia, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Vital progress • Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae

Vital promise • Abutilon X hybridum, Malvaceae

Vital protection • Bougainvillea, Nyctaginaceae

Vital purity • Duranta erecta, Verbenaceae

Vital receptivity • Gladiolus X hortulanus, Iridaceae

Vital sensitivity • Mimosa pudica, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Vital tapasya • Datura suaveolens, Solanaceae

Vital thoroughness • Verbena X hybrida, Verbenaceae

Vital transparency • Callistephus chinensis, Asteraceae [= Compositae]

Vital trust in the Divine • Asystasia gangetica, Acanthaceae

Vital will manifested in life • Episcia reptans, Gesneriaceae

Voice of the higher mind • Anemopaegma karstenii, Bignoniaceae


Wakefulness. (early name) • Pentapetes phoeniceae, Sterculiaceae

Water • Porana volubilis, Convolvulaceae

Wealth • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Wealth in the Mind of Light • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Wealth in the most material vital • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Wealth in the vital • Nymphaea rubra, Nymphaeaceae

Wealth under the psychic influence • Nymphaea, Nymphaeaceae

Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Malvaceae

Will manifested in life • Episcia cupreata, Gesneriaceae

Will one with the Divine Will • Hibiscus syriacus, Malvaceae

Will to conquer vital enemies • Verbena aristigera, Verbenaceae

Wisdom • Samanea saman, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Wisdom in the physical mind • Calliandra haematocephala, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Mimosaceae

Without Grief • Saraca indica, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]; Alt. Caesalpiniaceae

Work • Acacia auriculiformis, Fabaceae [= Leguminosae]

Work of the enlightened mind • Crataeva adansonii, Capparaceae

Works of love • Impatiens walleriana, Balsaminaceae

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