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Alphabet index of common names

 A   B   C  D  E 
 F   G   H   I   J 
 K   L   M   N   O 
 P   Q   R   S   T 
 U   V   W   X   Y 
 Z   А   Б   В   Г 
 Д   Ж   З   И   Й 
 К   Л   М   Н   О 
 П   Р   С   Т   У 
 Ф   Х   Ц   Ч   Ш 
 Щ   Э   Я     

Da cao kou – Chinese

Alpinia zerumbet


Da gao liang jiang – Chinese

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Da hong hua – Chinese

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Aesthetic power



Ananda in the physical

Beauty of Auroville

Beauty of Supramental Love

Beauty of supramental youth

Beauty of the new creation

Beauty of tomorrow

Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine

Blossoming of Auroville

Blossoming of the new creation

Charm of Auroville

Charm of the new creation

Concentration of Auroville

Concentration of the new creation

Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness

Continued perseverance and action

Controlled power

Dynamic power

Effective power of the Supermind

Effort of Auroville

Enlightened individual power


Firmness of Auroville

Firmness of the new creation

Flower of Auroville


Ideal of Auroville

Ideal of the new creation

Individual power

Light of purified power

Manifold Power of Auroville

Manifold Power of the new creation

Mentalised power

Power in the converted mind

Power in the service of the future

Power of action

Power of consciousness

Power of effort

Power of harmony

Power of integral purity

Power of perseverance

Power of progress

Power of realisation

Power of spiritual beauty

Power of success

Power of the future

Power of the psychic consciousness

Power of the Supramental Consciousness

Power to progress

Progress of Auroville

Progress of the new creation

Psychic power in existence

Realisation of Auroville

Realisation of the new creation

Spiritual beauty of Auroville

Success of Auroville

Supramental beauty in the physical

Supramental consciousness

Sweetness of Auroville

Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine

The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty

The charm of deceitful beauty

The divine principle of duplicity

Usefulness of Auroville

Usefulness of the new creation

Victorious beauty

Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will

Da hua ma chi xian – Chinese

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Da hua mei ren jiao – Chinese

Canna X generalis

Ananda in the centres

Ananda in the physical body

Complexity of the centres

Connection between the intuitive mind and the physical (early name)

Connection between the Light and the physical

Connection between the Supermind and the physical

Emotional centre

Future supramental centre

Illumined mind centre

Intuitive mind centre

Intuitive mind manifested in the physical (early name)

Physical centre

Psychic centre

Supramental light in the psychic centre (early name)

Vital centre

Da hua ya ma – Chinese

Linum grandiflorum

Good temper

Da hua yan cao – Chinese

Nicotiana alata

Common sense

Dāb – India (Bengali)

Cocos nucifera


Dadap – India

Erythrina variegata

Beginning of realisation in Matter

Matter prepares itself to receive the Supramental

The psychic governs Matter

Dadima – India (Sanskrit)

Punica granatum

Divine Love

Divine Love spreading over the world

Divine Sacrifice

Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)

Unmanifest Divine Love

Dadmurdan – India (Hindi)

Senna alata


Dadrughna – India (Sanskrit)

Senna alata


Daem mrom – Khmer

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Daeng sawan – Thai

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Daffodil – English


Power of Beauty

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Daffodils – English


Power of Beauty

Dahanah – India (Sanskrit)

Plumbago indica

Organisation of the being around the psychic

Dahlberg daisy – English

Thymophylla tenuiloba

Mental simplicity

Dahlia – English, French




Dignity in the physical

Dignity of the emotions

Mental pride



Psychic dignity


Supramentalised mental dignity


Vital pride

Daimaru nasu – Japanese

Solanum melongena

Fearlessness in the vital

Vital courage

Dakur – India (Bengali)

Kopsia fruticosa


Dama d’ undici ore – Italian

Ornithogalum umbellatum

Beauty in collective simplicity

Damaro – India (Gujarati)

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Dame d’onze heures – French

Ornithogalum umbellatum

Beauty in collective simplicity

Damro – India (Gujarati)

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Dan da lun – Burmese

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Dandalonbin – Burmese

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Danga – Hausa

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Dangari – India (Sanskrit)

Cucurbita maxima


Danh-danh – English

Gardenia jasminoides

Perfect radiating purity

Radiating purity

Dāniwal – India (Kashmiri)

Coriandrum sativum


Dao ti hu – Chinese

Cynoglossum amabile

Subconscient remembrance

Dara veta kola – Sinhalese

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Dartres – French

Senna alata


Darwin black wattle – English

Acacia auriculiformis


Dat-ka-pat – India (Hindi)

Senna alata


Datura – French

Datura suaveolens

Perfect tapasya

Vital tapasya

Daun kemangi – Indonesia (Malay)

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Daun ketumbar (leaves) – Malay

Coriandrum sativum


Daun peria (leaves) – Malay

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Daun randu – Malay

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Day blooming jasmine – English

Cestrum diurnum


Day cestrum – English

Cestrum diurnum


Day flowering jassamine – English

Cestrum diurnum


Day jasmine – English

Cestrum diurnum


Day jessamine – English

Cestrum diurnum


Day-blooming cestrum – English

Cestrum diurnum


Dayflower – English



First conscious reception of the Light in Nature

Mangifera indica

Divine Knowledge

Nature’s hope for realisation

Dead sea apple – English

Calotropis procera


Deban-shab – Persian

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Debunsha – India (Bengali)

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

December flower – English

Thunbergia erecta

Integral opening to the Light

Opening of the higher vital to the Light

Opening of the material vital to the Light

Opening to the Light

Dedal-de-dama – Brazil (Portuguese)

Allamanda cathartica

Mental victory (early name)


Delaat gedola – Hebrew

Cucurbita maxima


Delphinium – English



Dembilal – Ethiopia (Amharic)

Coriandrum sativum


Dền canh – Vietnamese

Amaranthus tricolor


Dền đuτi ngấn – Vietnamese

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Dền tνa – Vietnamese

Amaranthus tricolor


Dentelaire – French

Plumbago auriculata

Krishna’s Ananda


Dentelaire du Cap – French

Plumbago auriculata

Krishna’s Ananda


Dentelαria-do-cabo – Brazil (Portuguese)

Plumbago auriculata

Krishna’s Ananda


Dereotu – Turkish

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Desabadama – India (Sanskrit)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Deshi badam – India (Hindi)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Desi bādām – India (Bengali)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Devakili – India (Sanskrit)

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Devil’s coachwhip – English

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis

Spiritual ascension of the vital

Devil’s fig – English

Solanum torvum


Devil’s-claw – English

Martynia annua


Devil’s-thorn – English

Tribulus terrestris

First mental awakening in Matter

Devil’s-weed – English

Tribulus terrestris

First mental awakening in Matter

Devils pincushion – English

Leonotis nepetifolia


Dhak – English, India (Hindi)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Dhalatulasi – India (Oriya)

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Dhalim – India (Hindi)

Punica granatum

Divine Love

Divine Love spreading over the world

Divine Sacrifice

Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)

Unmanifest Divine Love

Dhana – India (Marathi)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhanayaka – India (Sanskrit)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhane – India (Bengali)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhane (seeds) – India (Marathi)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhania – India (Bengali), India (Oriya), India (Punjabi)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhaniā sābut (whole seeds) – India (Hindi)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhaniyā – India (Hindi), India (Urdu), Nepalese

Coriandrum sativum


Dhaniya (seeds) – India (Tamil)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhaniyaka – India (Sanskrit)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhaniyālu – India (Telugu)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhaniyalu (seeds) – India (Telugu)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhanya – India (Marathi)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhanyaka – India (Sanskrit)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhānyakam – India (Hindi)

Coriandrum sativum


Dhanyakam – India (Sanskrit)

Coriandrum sativum


Dharu – India (Sanskrit)

Guettarda speciosa

Peace in the nerves

Dhatura – India (Hindi)

Datura suaveolens

Perfect tapasya

Vital tapasya

Dheras – India (Hindi)

Abelmoschus esculentus

Mentalised power

Dhoney – India (Bengali)

Coriandrum sativum


Dian qie zi – Chinese

Solanum torvum


Dianthus – English

Dianthus chinensis


Perfect obedience

Dibidibi – Spanish

Caesalpinia coriara

Intuitive knowledge

Didisque – French

Trachymene coerulea

Perfect working of the mind

Didu – Burmese

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Diκω nhuτm – Vietnamese

Bixa orellana

New world

Dild – Danish

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Dill – English, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Icelandic

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Dille – Dutch

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Dill-seed – English

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Dimbilal – Amharic

Coriandrum sativum


Din-ka-Raja – India

Cestrum diurnum


Dinnerplate tree – English

Pterospermum acerifolium

Realisation of supramental riches

Diru – Japanese

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Discipline des religieux – French

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Dishcloth gourd – English

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Distiller’s acacia – English

Acacia leucophloea

Knowledge of details

Divaricate typhonium – English

Typhonium blumei


Divi-divi – English

Caesalpinia coriara

Intuitive knowledge

Divine-flower – English

Dianthus caryophyllus


Dixie rose-mallow – USA (English)

Hibiscus mutabilis

Divine Grace

Victorious love

Diya labu – Sinhalese

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Diyokapās – India (Hindi)

Gossypium arboreum

Power in the most material vital (early name)

Success in the most material vital

Djus rishe – Persian

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Doctorbush – English

Plumbago zeylanica

First appearance of purity in the Inconscient

Dog daisy – English

Leucanthemum vulgare

Spontaneous aspiration of Nature towards the Divine

Dog flower – English

Antirrhinum majus

Power of expression

Power of integral expression

Power of manifold expression

Power of mental expression

Power of physical expression

Power of psychic expression

Power of vital expression

Progressive expression

Dog rose – English

Rosa canina

Psychic soaring of Nature

Dogbrier – English

Rosa canina

Psychic soaring of Nature

Dogweed – English

Thymophylla tenuiloba

Mental simplicity

Dohsh – Arabic

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Dolan champa – India (Hindi)



Dolden-Milchstern – German

Ornithogalum umbellatum

Beauty in collective simplicity

Dolmeh felfel – Persian

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Domba – India

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Dombea – English

Dombeya wallichii

Conquest over the greed for food

Dombeya – French

Dombeya wallichii

Conquest over the greed for food

Domrupani – India (Bengali)

Dombeya wallichii

Conquest over the greed for food

Donkey ears – English

Kalanchoe pinnata

Light in fairyland

Doodhi – English

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Dormideira – English

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Dormidera – English, Spanish

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Dormilona – English

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Dou you – Taiwan (Chinese)

Citrus maxima


Double-flowering crape jasmine – English

Tabernaemontana divaricata

Integral mental purity

Mental purity

Perfect mental purity

Doum – West Africa

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Doung – Khmer

Cocos nucifera


Dracena-vermelha – Brazil (Portuguese)

Cordyline fruticosa


Dreifarbiger Fuchsschwanz – German

Amaranthus tricolor


Dronapushpi – English, India (Sanskrit)

Leucas aspera

Purified worship (early name)

True worship

Dropseed – English

Agrostis nebulosa


Drug lion’s-ear – English

Leonotis nepetifolia


Drummond’s phlox – English

Phlox drummondii

Artistic work

Emotional skill in work

Physical skill in work

Radiating skill in work

Skill in integral work

Skill in material work

Skill in mental work

Skill in psychic work

Skill in vital work

Skill in work

Drummonds hibiscus – English

Malvaviscus arboreus

Divine help

Divine solicitude

Divine solicitude rightly understood

Drumstick – English

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Drumsticktree – English

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Drunken sailor quisqualis indica – English

Quisqualis indica


Dừa – Vietnamese

Cocos nucifera


Dứa gỗ – Vietnamese

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Dϊa trτ – Vietnamese

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Dudhi – India (Punjabi), India (Gujarati), India (Hindi)

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Wrightia tinctoria

Religious thought

Dudhi ki bel – India (Hindi)

Vallaris solanacea

Psychic tranquillity

Dudhia-kalmi – India (Hindi)

Ipomoea alba

Entire self-giving

Dudhio – India (Gujarati)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Dudhiyo bachnag – India (Gujarati)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Duftende Engelstrompete – German

Datura suaveolens

Perfect tapasya

Vital tapasya

Duftwicke – German

Lathyrus odoratus


Kindness (early name)

Vital gentleness

Dun ye ji dan hua – Chinese

Plumeria obtusa

Integral psychological perfection

Perfect psychological perfection

Dun ye shu mian – Chinese

Gossypium arboreum

Power in the most material vital (early name)

Success in the most material vital

Duranta – English

Duranta erecta

Aspiration for vital purity

Vital purity

Dutch hyacinth – English

Hyacinthus orientalis

Pride of beauty

Dutchman’s breeches – English

Lamprocapnos spectabilis

Emotional remembrance

Dutchman’s pipe – English

Aristolochia elegans


Aristolochia ringens

Lasting inspiration

Dvipagasti – India (Sanskrit)

Senna alata


Dwarf carline thistle – English

Carlina acaulis

Incorruptible faithfulness

Dwarf cupflower – English

Nierembergia hippomanica

Vital joy in Matter

Dwarf gardenia radicans – English

Gardenia jasminoides

Perfect radiating purity

Radiating purity

Dwarf holly – English

Malpighia coccigera


Dwarf morning-glory – English

Evolvulus alsinoides

First sign of Krishna’s light in Matter

Dwarf mussaenda – English

Pentas lanceolata

Emotional movement opening to the Light (early name)

Light in the vital movements

Mental goodwill

Movements in the Light

Psychic light in the material movements

Psychic light in the physical movements

Dwarf poinciana – English

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Dwarf pomegranate – English

Punica granatum

Divine Love

Divine Love spreading over the world

Divine Sacrifice

Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)

Unmanifest Divine Love

Dwarf white bauhinia – English

Bauhinia acuminata

Purified gold

Dwarf white orchid tree – English

Bauhinia acuminata

Purified gold

Dwarf yellow flame of the woods – English

Ixora coccinea

Aspiration in the physical

Mental aspiration

Dyers’s oleander – English

Wrightia tinctoria

Religious thought

Dynia duza – Polish

Cucurbita maxima


Dynia olbrzymia – Polish

Cucurbita maxima


In Russian

In French