Alphabet index of common names
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y |
Z | А | Б | В | Г |
Д | Ж | З | И | Й |
К | Л | М | Н | О |
П | Р | С | Т | У |
Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш |
Щ | Э | Я |
Кактус Russian
Каланиктион шиповатый Russian
Ipomoea alba
Календула лекарственная Russian
Calendula officinalis
Каллиандра гематоцефала Russian
Calliandra haematocephala
Каллистемон Russian
Joy of vegetal Nature in answer to the new Light
Каллистефус китайский Russian
Callistephus chinensis
Supramentalised psychic activity
Supramentalised vital transparency
Transparency of the emotional vital
Калотропис процера Russian
Calotropis procera
Камелия японская Russian
Camellia japonica
Кананга душистая Russian
Cananga odorata
Канатник гибридный Russian
Abutilon X hybridum
Канатник индийский Russian
Abutilon indicum
Канна Russian
Canna X generalis
Connection between the intuitive mind and the physical (early name)
Connection between the Light and the physical
Connection between the Supermind and the physical
Intuitive mind manifested in the physical (early name)
Supramental light in the psychic centre (early name)
Канна индийская Russian
Canna indica
Progressive friendship with the Divine
Supramental friendship with the Divine
Капок Russian
Ceiba pentandra
Капский жасмин Russian
Gardenia jasminoides
Кардамон настоящий Russian
Alpinia galanga
To know how to say what is needed
Кассия фистула Russian
Cassia fistula
Кассия яванская Russian
Cassia javanica
Катарантус розовый Russian
Catharanthus roseus
Integral progress in the vital
Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress
Катесбае колючее Russian
Catesbaea spinosa
Квисквалис индийский Russian
Quisqualis indica
Кинза (листья - leaves) Russian
Coriandrum sativum
Китайская фиалка Russian
Asystasia gangetica
Trust of the emotional vital in the Divine
Trust of the vital mind in the Divine
Клен Russian
Кленок Russian
Abutilon indicum
Клеродендрон душистый Russian
Clerodendrum chinense
Integral even basis in the material (early name)
Integrally equal basis in the physical
Клеродендрон прекрасный Russian
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Кливия киноварная Russian
Clivia miniata
Conversion of the aim of life from the ego to the Divine
Клитория тернатея Russian
Clitoria ternatea
Devotional movement in Radhas consciousness (early name)
Integral Radhas consciousness (early name)
Radhas consciousness in the vital
Кокос Russian
Cocos nucifera
Кокос орехоносный Russian
Cocos nucifera
Кокосовая пальма Russian
Cocos nucifera
Коммелина Russian
First conscious reception of the Light in Nature
Комнатный клен Russian
Abutilon X hybridum
Копсия фрутикоса Russian
Kopsia fruticosa
Кордилина Russian
Cordyline fruticosa
Кориандр (семена - seeds) Russian
Coriandrum sativum
Кориандр посевной Russian
Coriandrum sativum
Коромандель Russian
Asystasia gangetica
Trust of the emotional vital in the Divine
Trust of the vital mind in the Divine
Кофе Russian
Кохлоспермум священный Russian
Cochlospermum religiosum
Красное хлопковое дерево Russian
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Краснолист Russian
Tradescantia pallida
The vital governed by the Presence
Кринум Russian
Disinterested work done for the Divine
Disinterested work done for the Divine in the vital
Кріп запашний Ukrainian
Anethum graveolens
Кроссандра Russian
Crossandra infundibuliformis
Psychic light in the Subconscient
Supramental influence in the Subconscient
Supramental Light in the Subconscient
Кувшинка Russian
Integral wealth of Mahalakshmi
Wealth in the most material vital
Wealth under the psychic influence
Куркума Russian
Curcuma zedoaria
Куркума зедоарская Russian
Curcuma zedoaria