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Alphabet index of common names

 A   B   C   D   E 
 F   G   H  I  J 
 K   L   M   N   O 
 P   Q   R   S   T 
 U   V   W   X   Y 
 Z   А   Б   В   Г 
 Д   Ж   З   И   Й 
 К   Л   М   Н   О 
 П   Р   С   Т   У 
 Ф   Х   Ц   Ч   Ш 
 Щ   Э   Я     

Ibota-kusagi – Japanese

Clerodendrum inerme

Perfect planning of work

Iceplant – English

Martynia annua


Idagbo monoye – Nigeria (Yoruba)

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Igure marumerozu – Japanese

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Ikhofi – Zulu


Perfect path

Ilaccaki – India (Tamil)

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Ilaichi – India

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Ilanga – Brazil (Portuguese)

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-Ilang – Tagalog (Malay)

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-ilang – English, French, Spanish

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-Ilang – German

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-ilang de Bornιo – French

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-ilang des Philippines – French

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-ilang en arbre – French

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilang-ilang grimpant – French

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Ilang-Ilangbaum – German

Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Ilankaramallikai – India (Tamil)

Quisqualis indica


Ilavam – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Ilavu – India (Tamil)

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Ilavum – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Ilex – English


Courageous goodwill

Ilikhofi – Zulu


Perfect path

Illavam panju – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Imbiruηu – Portuguese

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Imbul – Sinhalese

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Immortelle – French


Integral immortality

Xerochrysum bracteatum

Supramental immortality upon earth

Immortelle ΰ bractιes – French

Xerochrysum bracteatum

Supramental immortality upon earth

Impatiens – English

Impatiens walleriana

Works of love

Impatiente – French

Impatiens balsamina


Generosity in the physical

Generosity in the vital

Manifold Generosity

Perfect generosity in the vital

Psychic generosity

Psycho-physical generosity

Impatiens walleriana

Works of love

Inca wheat – English

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Inchplant – English

Tradescantia zebrina

Quiet strength in the vital

Indai – India (Marathi)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Indarjou – India (Hindi)

Wrightia tinctoria

Religious thought

India tubeflower – English

Clerodendrum indicum

Sri Krishna’s influence in the Subconscient (early name)

The Divine Will acting in the subconscient

Indian abutilon – English

Abutilon indicum

Mental promise

Indian aloe – English

Aloe vera


Indian atalantia – English

Atalantia monophylla

Absence of desire

Indian bael – English

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Indian baelfruit – English

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Indian blanket-flower – English

Gaillardia pulchella


Mental cheerfulness

Successful future

Successful future under the supramental influence

Supramental future (early name)

Indian caper – English

Capparis zeylanica

Triple aspiration

Indian cedar – English

Azadirachta indica

Spiritual atmosphere

Indian coral-tree – English

Erythrina variegata

Beginning of realisation in Matter

Matter prepares itself to receive the Supramental

The psychic governs Matter

Indian cork tree – English

Millingtonia hortensis


Indian cotton tree – English

Gossypium arboreum

Power in the most material vital (early name)

Success in the most material vital

Indian cottonwood – English

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Indian dill – English

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Indian hemp – English

Crotalaria juncea

Formative faculty in the mind

Indian jalap – English

Operculina turpethum

Call of the Divine Grace

Integral gratitude

Indian kapok – English

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Indian laburnum – English

Cassia fistula


Indian laurel – English

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Indian lavender – English

Guettarda speciosa

Peace in the nerves

Indian leadwort – English

Plumbago indica

Organisation of the being around the psychic

Indian lilac – English

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Indian mallow – English

Abutilon indicum

Mental promise

Abutilon X hybridum


Vital promise

Indian mango – English

Mangifera indica

Divine Knowledge

Nature’s hope for realisation

Indian medlar – English

Mimusops elengi



Indian oleander – English

Nerium oleander

Contemplation of the Divine

Perfect quietness in the mind

Quiet mind

Quietness established in the mind

Surrender of all falsehood

Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine

Turning of wrong movements into right movements

Indian pavetta – English

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Indian pellet shrub – English

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Indian pink – English

Dianthus chinensis


Perfect obedience

Ipomoea quamoclit

Love in the physical for the Divine

Indian privet – English

Clerodendrum inerme

Perfect planning of work

Indian quince – English

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Indian red water lily – English

Nymphaea rubra

Wealth in the vital

Indian root – English

Asclepias curassavica

Response of the mind to the Supramental Light

Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light

Indian siris – English

Albizia lebbeck

Integral wisdom

Indian tulip tree – English

Thespesia populnea


Indian-almond – English

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Indian-cress – English

Tropaeolum majus

Promise of realisation

Promise of realisation in Matter

Promise of realisation in the mind

Promise of realisation in the physical

Promise of realisation in the physical mind

Indian-lilac – English

Azadirachta indica

Spiritual atmosphere

Indian-mulberry – English

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Indian-nut – English

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Indian-oak – English

Tectona grandis

Renunciation of desires

Indian-shot – English

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Indiese kanna – Afrikaans

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Indisch bloemriet – Dutch

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Indische Maulbeere – German

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Indische Petersilie (leaves) – German

Coriandrum sativum


Indische Quitte – German

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Indischer Lotus – German

Nelumbo nucifera

Aditi — The Divine Consciousness

The Avatar

Indischer Mandelbaum – German

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Indischer Mangobaum – German

Mangifera indica

Divine Knowledge

Nature’s hope for realisation

Indischer Maulbeerbaum – German

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Indischer Maulbeerstrauch – German

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Indischer Seidenwollbaum – German

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Indischer Zedrachbaum – German

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Indisches Basilikum – German

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Indrapushpam – India (Tamil)

Thunbergia fragrans

Purity in the emotional centre

Inguda – India (Sanskrit)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Ingudi – India (Hindi)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Inkaweizen – German

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Inkberry – English

Cestrum diurnum


Inkuti – India (Tamil)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Inondo – Japanese

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Inondu – Korean

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Intiraputpi – India (Tamil)

Thunbergia fragrans

Purity in the emotional centre

Inutsuge – Japanese

Murraya paniculata

Peace in the vital

Ipκ-amarelo-de-jardim – Brazil (Portuguese)

Tecoma stans

Higher mind

Supramental victory (early name)

Ipιca sauvage – French

Asclepias curassavica

Response of the mind to the Supramental Light

Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light

Ipezinho-de-jardim – Brazil (Portuguese)

Tecoma stans

Higher mind

Supramental victory (early name)

Ipil ipil – English

Leucaena leucocephala


Ipomιe – French

Ipomoea cairica

Detachment from all that is not the Divine

Ipomoea carnea


Ipomoea hederifolia

Opening of the physical to the Divine Love

Ipomoea horsfalliae

Heroic thought

Ipomoea lobata

Thirst to learn

Stictocardia beraviensis

Nature aspires to be supramentalised

Ipomιe; Volubilis – French

Ipomoea quamoclit

Love in the physical for the Divine

Iradi – India (Tamil)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Irangun malli – India (Tamil)

Quisqualis indica


Irangun-malli – India (Tamil)

Quisqualis indica


Iraniran noki – Japanese

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Irankalli – India (Tamil)

Kalanchoe pinnata

Light in fairyland

Iris – French

Belamcanda chinensis

Attachment to the Divine


Aristocracy of beauty

Iris tigrι – French

Belamcanda chinensis

Attachment to the Divine

Iris, African – English

Dietes iridioides

Aristocracy of beauty

Irises – English


Aristocracy of beauty

Irish broom – English

Cytisus scoparius


Iron root – English

Ruellia tuberosa

Krishna’s light in the vital

Iron wood tree – English

Memecylon edule

Air of Auroville


Memecylon tinctorium

Air of Auroville


Ironbark – English


Abolition of the ego

Ironwood – English

Memecylon tinctorium

Air of Auroville


Isiot – Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian

Curcuma zedoaria


Island morning glory – English

Ipomoea indica

Artistic taste

Isoauringonkukka – Finnish

Helianthus annuus

The body-consciousness undergoing the supramental transformation

Italian aster – English

Aster amellus

Emotional sincerity

Simple sincerity

Sincerity in the vital

Italian edible gourd – English

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Italian jasmine – English

Jasminum humile

Correct self-estimation

Solanum seaforthianum

Seeking for support only in the Divine

Italian squash – English

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Italian starwort – English

Aster amellus

Emotional sincerity

Simple sincerity

Sincerity in the vital

Italian yellow jasmine – English

Jasminum humile

Correct self-estimation

Ivies – English


Lasting attachment

Ivy – English


Lasting attachment

Ivy-leaf morning-glory – English

Ipomoea hederifolia

Opening of the physical to the Divine Love

Ivy-leaved morning glory – English

Ipomoea cairica

Detachment from all that is not the Divine

Iwai no ki – Japanese

Myrtus communis

To live only for the Divine

Ixora – English, French

Ixora chinensis

Psychic aspiration

Ixora coccinea

Aspiration in the physical

Mental aspiration

Ixora javanica

Aspiration in the physical for the Supramental Light

Ixora pavetta


Ixora thwaitesii

Peace in the cells

Iyavakai – India

Peltophorum pterocarpum


In Russian

In French