Alphabet index of common names
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y |
Z | А | Б | В | Г |
Д | Ж | З | И | Й |
К | Л | М | Н | О |
П | Р | С | Т | У |
Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш |
Щ | Э | Я |
Raat-ki-Rani India (Hindi)
Cestrum nocturnum
Radhachura India (Bengali)
Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Radice di curcuma Italian
Curcuma zedoaria
Rζvehale-amarant Danish
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Ragangi India (Sanskrit)
Lawsonia inermis
Energy turned towards the Divine
Ragat-senbal India (Hindi)
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Ragwort English
Ragworts English
Raihan North Africa (Arabic)
Myrtus communis
Railroad-creeper English
Ipomoea cairica
Detachment from all that is not the Divine
Railway creeper English
Ipomoea cairica
Detachment from all that is not the Divine
Raimu bajiru Japanese
Ocimum americanum
Rain flower English
Rain lily English
Zephyranthes candida
Rain of gold English
Galphimia glauca
Rainbow pink English
Dianthus chinensis
Rainbow shower English
Cassia javanica
Rainha-dos-lagos Brazil (Portuguese)
Eichhornia crassipes
Raintree English
Albizia lebbeck
Samanea saman
Raisin (Fruit); French
Vitis vinifera
Rajana India (Hindi)
Ixora coccinea
Rajanigandha English, India (Hindi)
Polianthes tuberosa
Rajapiluh India (Sanskrit)
Rajgeera India (Hindi)
Amaranthus tricolor
Rajgira India (Hindi)
Amaranthus tricolor
Rajkiri India (Hindi)
Amaranthus tricolor
Rakat senbal India (Hindi)
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Rakşatikā India (Sanskrit)
Gossypium arboreum
Power in the most material vital (early name)
Success in the most material vital
Rakta puspi Nepalese
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Raktacitra India (Hindi)
Plumbago indica
Organisation of the being around the psychic
Raktaka India (Sanskrit)
Ixora coccinea
Raktakanchan India (Bengali)
Bauhinia variegata
Raktakarabi India (Bengali)
Nerium oleander
Quietness established in the mind
Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine
Turning of wrong movements into right movements
Raktakovidara India (Sanskrit)
Bauhinia purpurea
Raktarag India (Bengali)
Cordia sebestena
Ram babul India (Hindi)
Parkinsonia aculeata
Ram toulsi India
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Ram tuisi English
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Ram Tulsi India (Hindi)
Ocimum basilicum
Rama del sapo Spanish
Talinum paniculatum
Rāmadānā India (Hindi)
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Ramatulasi India (Kannada)
Ocimum americanum
Ramdana India (Hindi)
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Ramgoat dashalong English
Turnera ulmifolia
Awakening of the physical mind
Ramkasturi India (Kannada)
Ocimum basilicum
Ramona English
Ramsar India (Bengali), India (Hindi)
Vallaris solanacea
Ramsur India (Hindi)
Vallaris solanacea
Rana tampala Sinhalese
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Randoe alas Dutch
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Rangan India (Hindi), India (Bengali)
Ixora coccinea
Rangoon-creeper English
Quisqualis indica
Rangoon-ki-bel India (Hindi)
Quisqualis indica
Rarningobchey English
Spathodea campanulata
Rasili India (Hindi)
Russelia equisetiformis
Aspiration in the physical for the Divine Love
Rasna India (Sanskrit)
Alpinia galanga
To know how to say what is needed
Vanda tessellata
Detailed attachment to the Divine
Ratnagandhi India (Telugu)
Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Rattlebox English
Formative faculty in the vital
Crotalaria juncea
Rau mωi Vietnamese
Coriandrum sativum
Rau quế Vietnamese
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Ravalli French
Mimusops elengi
Ravenia pink English
Ravenia spectabilis
Rδvsvans Swedish
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Rawag Sudan (Arabic)
Moringa oleifera
Rayαahn Persian
Ocimum basilicum
Rayhdn Arabic
Myrtus communis
Razianaj Arabic
Foeniculum vulgare
Razianeh Persian
Foeniculum vulgare
Rebe German
Vitis vinifera
Red aphelandra English
Aphelandra tetragona
Red basil English
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Red bird of paradise English
Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Red bleeding heart English
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Red butterflies milkweed English
Asclepias curassavica
Response of the mind to the Supramental Light
Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light
Red cassia English
Cassia roxburghii
Red cestrum English
Cestrum elegans
Red cottontree English
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Red Crucifix Orchid English
Epidendrum X Obrienianum
Attachment of the cells to the Divine
Red firecracker plant English
Russelia sarmentosa
Spiritual aspiration in the physical
Red flax English
Linum grandiflorum
Red fox English
Celosia argentea
Physical aspiration for immortality
Vital aspiration for immortality
Red gourd English
Cucurbita maxima
Red hibiscus English
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Red hot cats tail English
Acalypha hispida
Red hot poker English
Acalypha hispida
Red ixora English
Ixora coccinea
Red leaf spice ginger English
Curcuma zedoaria
Red nerine English
Nerine sarniensis
Red paucipan English
Plumeria rubra
Psychological perfection in Matter
Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment
Red pepper English
Capsicum annuum
Red plumeria English
Plumeria rubra
Psychological perfection in Matter
Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment
Red poppy English
Papaver rhoeas
Red powder puff English
Calliandra haematocephala
Red sacred lotus English
Nelumbo nucifera
Aditi The Divine Consciousness
Red sage English
Salvia splendens
Matter consenting to be spiritualised
Red salvia English
Salvia splendens
Matter consenting to be spiritualised
Red shrimp plant English
Justicia brandegeeana
Red silk-cotton English
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Red silk-cotton tree English
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Red tree of kings English
Cordyline fruticosa
Red violet English
Episcia reptans
Red water lily English
Nymphaea rubra
Redcattail English
Acalypha hispida
Red-cattail English
Acalypha hispida
Red-flowered cotton tree English
Gossypium arboreum
Power in the most material vital (early name)
Success in the most material vital
Red-flowered silk-cotton tree English
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Redhead English
Hamelia patens
Matter under the supramental guidance
Red-heath English
Calluna vulgaris
Red-hot cats tail English
Acalypha hispida
Red-hot-cattail English
Acalypha hispida
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Red-jasmine English
Plumeria rubra
Psychological perfection in Matter
Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment
Red-spinach English
Celosia argentea
Physical aspiration for immortality
Vital aspiration for immortality
Red-sunflower English
Tithonia rotundifolia
Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine
Regadero Spanish
Ipomoea quamoclit
Love in the physical for the Divine
Rehan Hebrew
Ocimum basilicum
Reine du jour French
Cestrum diurnum
Reine-marguerite French
Callistephus chinensis
Supramentalised psychic activity
Supramentalised vital transparency
Transparency of the emotional vital
Remon Japanese
Citrus limon
Remon gurasu Japanese
Cymbopogon citratus
Remonsou Japanese
Cymbopogon citratus
Remvaja India (Hindi)
Acacia leucophloea
Ren dong Chinese
Lonicera japonica
Constant remembrance of the Divine
Renouιe French
Vital aspiration for union with the Divine
Repati čir Slovenian
Amaranthus caudatus
Illumined strength in the vital
Resada Puerto Rico (Spanish)
Moringa oleifera
Reseda de olor Spanish
Reseda odorata
Rιsιda odorante French
Reseda odorata
Reseda-de-cheiro Portuguese
Reseda odorata
Resedα-flor-da-rainha Brazil (Portuguese)
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Intimacy with universal Nature
Resedα-gigante Brazil (Portuguese)
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Intimacy with universal Nature
Resurrection lily English
Kaempferia pulchra
Resurrection plant English
Kalanchoe pinnata
Resurrection-lily English
Kaempferia rotunda
Retama English
Parkinsonia aculeata
Retama de escobas English
Cytisus scoparius
Reuse wattel Afrikaans
Leucaena leucocephala
Reuzenkalebas Dutch
Cucurbita maxima
Reuzenpompoen Dutch
Cucurbita maxima
Revenelle French
Erysimum cheiri
Reyhan Persian
Ocimum basilicum
Rheo English
Tradescantia spathacea
Rhododendron English, French
Ribbed gourd English
Luffa acutangula
Ribbed loofah English
Luffa acutangula
Ribbon plant English
Chlorophytum comosum
Ridged gourd English
Luffa acutangula
Ridged luffa English
Luffa acutangula
Riềng ấm Vietnamese
Alpinia galanga
To know how to say what is needed
Alpinia zerumbet
Riềng đẹp Vietnamese
Alpinia zerumbet
Riềng nếp Vietnamese
Alpinia galanga
To know how to say what is needed
Riesenkuerbis German
Cucurbita maxima
Riesenorange German
Citrus maxima
Rihβn Arabic
Myrtus communis
Rihan Egypt (Arabic), India (Hindi), India (Urdu)
Ocimum basilicum
Riimaayee Hausa
Ceiba pentandra
Riimii Hausa
Ceiba pentandra
Rimbot ιpineux French
Oncoba spinosa
Rimin nacara Nigeria (Hausa)
Moringa oleifera
Rimin turawa Nigeria (Hausa)
Moringa oleifera
Ringworm plant English
Senna alata
Ringworm senna English
Senna alata
Ringworm tree English
Senna alata
Ringwormbush English
Senna alata
Ringwormshrub English
Senna alata
Risenkόrbis German
Cucurbita maxima
Risen-Kόrbis German
Cucurbita maxima
Rissie Afrikaans
Capsicum annuum
Riviera white lobelia English
Lobelia erinus
Rock maple English
Rock purslane English
Calandrinia grandiflora
Rock rosemary English
Merremia quinquefolia
Rocou Dutch
Bixa orellana
Rocouyer French
Bixa orellana
Rφhrenkassie German
Cassia fistula
Rohrenkassie English
Cassia fistula
Roi Vietnamese
Syzygium jambos
Roja India (Tamil)
Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine
Beauty offers itself in service to the Divine
Human passions changed into love for the Divine
Humility in the love for the Divine
Mental love under the psychic influence
Supramental attachment to the Divine
Roka Khmer
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Roktosimul India (Bengali)
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Romγ Brazil (Portuguese)
Punica granatum
Divine Love spreading over the world
Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)
Romγ-de-flor-dobrada Brazil (Portuguese)
Punica granatum
Divine Love spreading over the world
Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)
Roman basil English
Ocimum basilicum
Roman candle tree English
Senna alata
Roman hyacinth English
Hyacinthus orientalis
Romanzeiro Portuguese
Punica granatum
Divine Love spreading over the world
Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)
Romdeng Khmer
Alpinia galanga
To know how to say what is needed
Romeira Brazil (Portuguese)
Punica granatum
Divine Love spreading over the world
Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)
Romeira-da-granada Brazil (Portuguese)
Punica granatum
Divine Love spreading over the world
Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)
Ronde pompoen Dutch
Cucurbita maxima
Ronττng chrung Khmer
Luffa acutangula
Roosionneblom Afrikaans
Tithonia rotundifolia
Physical consciousness turned entirely towards the Divine
Rooster tree English
Calotropis procera
Roostertree English
Calotropis procera
Rosa algodσn Spanish
Hibiscus mutabilis
Rosa de China Spanish
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Rosa de Montana English
Antigonon leptopus
Rosa de Siria Spanish
Hibiscus syriacus
Rosa del Nilo Spanish
Nelumbo nucifera
Aditi The Divine Consciousness
Rosa della Cina Italian
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Rosa-da-China Portuguese
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Rosa-da-turquia Brazil (Portuguese)
Parkinsonia aculeata
Rosa-de-sharγo Brazil (Portuguese)
Hibiscus syriacus
Rosa-do-Japγo Portuguese, Brazil (Portuguese)
Camellia japonica
Rose English, French
Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine
Beauty offers itself in service to the Divine
Human passions changed into love for the Divine
Humility in the love for the Divine
Mental love under the psychic influence
Supramental attachment to the Divine
Rosa canina
Rosa chinensis
Timidity in attachment to the Divine
Rosa X rehderana
Rose balsam English
Impatiens balsamina
Perfect generosity in the vital
Rose bay English
Nerium oleander
Quietness established in the mind
Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine
Turning of wrong movements into right movements
Rose cascade English
Calliandra haematocephala
Rose dInde French
Tagetes erecta
Rose de bois French
Merremia quinquefolia
Merremia tuberosa
Operculina turpethum
Rose de Chine French
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Rosa chinensis
Timidity in attachment to the Divine
Rose de coton French
Hibiscus mutabilis
Rose de Montana French
Brownea coccinea
Divine Love governing the world
Rose de Noλ French
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Opening of the vital to the Divine Love
Vital activated by the Divines Love (early name)
Rose du Japon French
Camellia japonica
Rose mallow English
Hibiscus syriacus
Rose moss English
Portulaca grandiflora
Rose of Venezuela English
Brownea coccinea
Divine Love governing the world
Rose periwinkle English
Catharanthus roseus
Integral progress in the vital
Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress
Rose polyantha French
Rosa X rehderana
Rose trιmiθre French
Alcea rosea
Combined offering of two parts of the being
Integral offering of the vital
Offering of the material vital
Offering of the most material vital
Rose-apple English
Syzygium jambos
Rosebay shrub English
Nerium oleander
Quietness established in the mind
Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine
Turning of wrong movements into right movements
Rose-colored lead-wort English
Plumbago indica
Organisation of the being around the psychic
Rose-flowered jatropha English
Jatropha integerrima
Awakening and first response of Nature to the supramental manifestation
Rose-laurel English
Nerium oleander
Quietness established in the mind
Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine
Turning of wrong movements into right movements
Rosemallow English
Alcea rosea
Combined offering of two parts of the being
Integral offering of the vital
Offering of the material vital
Offering of the most material vital
Rosenapfel German
Syzygium jambos
Rosenapfelbaum German
Syzygium jambos
Rose-of-China English
Hibiscus hirtus
Hibiscus micranthus
Hibiscus mutabilis
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine
Blossoming of the new creation
Concentration of the new creation
Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness
Continued perseverance and action
Effective power of the Supermind
Manifold Power of the new creation
Power in the service of the future
Power of the psychic consciousness
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Realisation of the new creation
Supramental beauty in the physical
Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine
The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty
The divine principle of duplicity
Usefulness of the new creation
Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will
Hibiscus schizopetalus
Hibiscus syriacus
Rose-of-Sharon English
Hibiscus syriacus
Rose-ring blanket-flower English
Gaillardia pulchella
Successful future under the supramental influence
Supramental future (early name)
Rose-ring gaillardia English
Gaillardia pulchella
Successful future under the supramental influence
Supramental future (early name)
Roses English
Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine
Beauty offers itself in service to the Divine
Human passions changed into love for the Divine
Humility in the love for the Divine
Mental love under the psychic influence
Supramental attachment to the Divine
Rose-trιmiθre French
Alcea rosea
Combined offering of two parts of the being
Integral offering of the vital
Offering of the material vital
Offering of the most material vital
Rosier des chiens French
Rosa canina
Rosier des indes English
Rosa chinensis
Timidity in attachment to the Divine
Rosillas Spanish
Papaver rhoeas
Rosolaccio Switzerland (Italian)
Papaver rhoeas
Rosy periwinkle English
Catharanthus roseus
Integral progress in the vital
Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress
Roter Katzenschwanz German
Acalypha hispida
Roter Seidenwollbaum German
Bombax ceiba
Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
Rotes Strauίgras German
Agrostis nebulosa
Rotten cheesefruit Australia (English)
Morinda citrifolia
Rottnest island daisy English
Trachymene coerulea
Roucou India (French), English
Bixa orellana
Roucouyer French
Bixa orellana
Rough Basil English
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Round guava English
Psidium guajava
Round-rooted galangale English
Kaempferia rotunda
Roxburghs cassia English
Cassia roxburghii
Royal poinciana English
Delonix regia
Rubber bush English
Calotropis procera
Rudbeckie French
Rudbeckia hirta
First turning of the vital to the Divine Light
Ruddles English
Calendula officinalis
Rudrajada India (Telugu)
Ocimum basilicum
Rudrapalash India (Bengali)
Spathodea campanulata
Ruellie French
Arrhostoxylum costatum
Ruellia ciliatiflora
Krishnas light in the physical mind
Ruellia tuberosa
Rόgelikόmmi Switzerland (German)
Coriandrum sativum
Rugmini India (Hindi)
Ixora coccinea
Rugtoora India (Hindi)
Spathodea campanulata
Ruhmeskrone German
Gloriosa superba
Occult power working in the material (early name)
Ruhmeslilie German
Gloriosa superba
Occult power working in the material (early name)
Rui India
Calotropis procera
Ruibarbo Argentina (Spanish)
Abelmoschus esculentus
Rukmini rangan English
Ixora javanica
Aspiration in the physical for the Supramental Light
Ruku Hungarian
Bixa orellana
Ruku-ruku Malay
Ocimum basilicum
Rum Chad (Arabic)
Ceiba pentandra
Runakkalli India (Tamil)
Kalanchoe pinnata
Running pop English
Passiflora foetida
Russιlie French
Russelia sarmentosa
Spiritual aspiration in the physical
Rusty shield-bearer English
Peltophorum pterocarpum
Ruuk kapaas Nepalese
Gossypium arboreum
Power in the most material vital (early name)
Success in the most material vital
Ryytitilli Finnish
Anethum graveolens